Pub hunting ‘dine and dash’ gang who vanished in BMW after downing 11 pints

Pub owners are hunting down a "dine and dash" gang who necked themselves 11 pints and fled the scene in a BMW.

Racking up a £50 bar tab and failing to pay has rocked the venue, who say that "every penny counts, especially at the minute", with The Wheatsheaf left short-changed.

Young punters were present at the pub, putting away pints and racking up their £50 bill, which they did not square up and pay before heading off and leaving the property, GrimsbyLive reported.

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Pub owner Nikki Wray says that the culprits knocked back several glasses of wine and pints of beer and ditched the bill, a worrying dine and dash experience that the pub had experienced in a separate incident a year prior.

Speaking of the dine-and-dash, Wray said: "The group had come in drinking on Sunday, 27 November, they'd set up a tab and were ordering drinks for a little while.

"When we had a change over of staff, one of the girls noticed there was an outstanding bill on somebody's account.

"We asked them what had happened and we found out that the group had asked for the bill and said they were come up to the bar and would pay for it soon. Rather than doing that though, it would appear they just got up and left."

Thankfully, though, the group were tagged and spotted on CCTV cameras at the venue which have since been used to "track them down."

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An outstanding amount of £49.60 was left over by the group, who ordered Heineken, Atlantic IPA and Koppaberg Cider.

Not only are the unnamed individuals stealing from a local business, it would appear they have dreadful taste in tipple selection.

Wray added: "I would never even dream of doing it myself and I can't believe people even think about it. This has taught me a lesson though as we certainly won't be giving tabs out again in the future, it's the only way to go forward after this."

Despite a plea online for the drivers of a blue BMW to come forward and pay their bill and talking to regulars at the pub, it appears the dine-and-dash crew were from "out of town", their identity still unclear.

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