Omicron and Delta tipped to form NEW super-variant in terrifying dual Covid threat

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While a COVID-19 infection typically only involves one mutant strain, in rare cases two, likely from different sources, has the potential to infect someone at the same time. If the variants also infect the same cell, they might be able to swap DNA and form a brand-new version of the virus. Dr Paul Burton, Moderna’s chief medical officer, warned that the soaring numbers of Delta and Omicron cases currently going around the UK makes this chilling scenario all the more likely.

Speaking to the Science and Technology Committee, he said it was “certainly” possible for this process to occur and might result in a deadly variant that poses a greater risk than other mutant strains.

Experts have warned that these events, which have been given the name “recombination events”, can happen, but would need incredibly specific conditions and the coincidence of largely uncontrollable events.

So far, just three COVID-19 strains created by viruses swapping genes have been recorded.

Instead, the virus usually relies on random mutations to create new variants.

And a new variant was not created over the two months when the Delta strain was circulating alongside the Alpha variant through this process.

Now, the Omicron variant has already become prevalent in London, after just two weeks since it was first identified in the UK.

Experts have predicted that it will become the main strain by the New Year.

Dr Burton told the House of Commons that having the two variants circulating at the same time ramps up the risk of them swapping genes and combining in a deadly duo to form a terrifying new variant.

He said: “There’s certainly data, there have been some papers published again from South Africa earlier from the pandemic when people, and certainly immunocompromised people, can harbour both viruses.

“That would be possible here, particularly given the number of infections that we were seeing.”

When he was asked if this might lead to the formation of a more dangerous variant, he answered: “It certainly could be, I think that is what we will begin to understand.

“It certainly gives an opportunity for the two viruses to combinate, to share genes and swap genes over.

“The biology around Omicron and the situation we’re in given the Delta situation right now is really important to think about.”

In Britain, there has been 4,713 Omicron cases confirmed to date, and the variant is behind about one in five cases across the country.

Delta is behind four in ten cases right now.

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