Sunak blocks thousands of Britons from slashing £600 off bills: ‘Can’t understand why’

Cost of living: Sunak should 'stop patronising' says host

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The UK is grappling with a deepening energy crisis where bills are skyrocketing and millions of vulnerable households face fuel poverty. As well as soaring bills, inflation has reached more than nine percent, a 40-year high, and may continue to rise. As this cost-of-living crisis sends shockwaves through the nation, the Government has been urged to intervene in any way possible.

One proposed measure is the ECO4 insulation scheme, which would provide insulation to vulnerable homes and property holders to help slash bills.

The proposed scheme was originally intended to run from April 2022 until March 2026.

But having been hit with repeated delays, the scheme will now not come into effect until July this year.

According to expert analysis, the ongoing delays have meant that up to 56,000 homes have lost out on saving around £600 each this year.

They came after Lord Callanan, the Minister for Business, Energy and Corporate Responsibility, had pressed the Government to boost the budget so the scheme could be extended.

This was so it could keep running until 2026, costing around £1billion a year.

But the Treasury has reportedly pushed back against Lord Callanan’s wishes, baffling experts and dealing a blow to households which could have knocked hundreds off their bills.

Simon Cran-Mcgreehin, head of analysis at the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, told “The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) had been pushing to increase the budget to help more homes every year.

“Lord Callanan, the minister for BEIS, said in the House after the energy security strategy that BEIS had wanted to do more on energy security, but the Treasury resisted.

“And we can’t understand why, because inflation is rampant at the minute and one of the ways you control inflation is to do things like energy efficiency to reduce demand because you are spending less on energy.

“Insulation has a deflationary effect, it also supports businesses, particularly some smaller traders and building companies which make the improvements.

“It has so many advances economically and socially because it cuts the bills for poorer households, but the treasury keeps resisting and no one is quite sure why.”

Under ECO4, it is estimated that around 450,000 homes could be upgraded.

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According to David Weatherall, a consultant from BRE, having insulation installed can help you save money “from day one”.

He told “The Energy Saving Trust estimates that insulating just the walls of a detached house will save £430-£650 a year.

“And if roofs, floors and windows are insulated at the same time, the savings will obviously be higher.

“Some families have a greater need for heating – for example, older people are often at home all day, and people with health problems may need to keep their home particularly warm.”

“The more heating a family needs the more they will benefit from insulation.”

And as the energy price cap (maximum annual tariff) could rise to nearly £3,000 in October, the innovation could prove crucial over the cold winter months.

Mr Weatherall said: ”The upfront costs of insulation – though it saves money from day one on energy bills – can put it out-of-reach of low-income households.

“That’s why it’s important that the government provides support with the upfront costs.”

The Treasury has been contacted for comment. 

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