Backpacker reveals Australia's best paid working holiday jobs

British backpacker reveals the best jobs to get while travelling the Australian outback including one that gives staff rent money

  • A British backpacker of almost three years shared the best working holiday jobs
  • Lisa Bailey listed the three best casual jobs she’s had while visiting in Australia
  • Working as a camp housekeeper was the best experience because of the people’
  • FIFO utility work was the highest paid job and the ‘best for saving money’ option 

A British backpacker has revealed the top three jobs for tourists hoping to rake it in while on holidays in Australia.

Lisa Bailey came to Australia in 2019 from the UK and shared the best experiences she’s had working Down Under in a video on Monday.

In the TikTok video, she revealed the top jobs she’d had in the past few years, including earning $26.50 an hour and a $70 rental allowance while working as a campsite housekeeper and raking in $27 an hour as an ‘all-rounder’ at the iconic NT Daly Waters pub.

But no money came close to the wage she earned while working as a fly-in, fly-out utility worker, where she took in $34 an hour.

‘(FIFO utility worker) is definitely the best for saving money as a backpacker in Australia,’ she said, noting in the comments that her favourite job experience was working on the campsite because of the people she’d been with. 

Scroll down for the video. 

Lisa Bailey (above) shared her favourite casual jobs after backpacking in Australia for nearly three years

Third job is definitely the best for saving money as a backpacker in Australia #backpacker #australia #backpackerjobs #savingmoney

Ms Bailey said she worked as a casual employee in all the listed jobs.

Housekeepers in Australia typically earn about $30 per hour, pub workers about $29.50 per hour and FIFO utility workers about $32 per hour, according to job site Indeed.

Commenters on the video joined in with their working holiday experiences.

‘I worked on Fraser (Island) and everyone was on $21 to $24 an hour and had to pay $240 for rent and food. Ten days on, 10 days off,’ one person wrote.

In the video, Ms Bailey revealed she was paid $26.50 an hour and $70 rental allowance while working as a campsite housekeeper, $27 per hour as a Daly Waters (NT) pub ‘all-rounder’ and $34 as a FIFO utility worker (above)

Ms Bailey (above) said working as a FIFO utility hand was the best job for saving while working as a campsite house cleaner was the best experience because of ‘the people’

‘Working away from the cities is the best way to see the country and save the coin,’ another said. 

However, Ms Bailey said in a separate video that she was often dismissed by employers in favour of Aussies.

In another TikTok titled ‘Things employers have said to me as a backpackers in Australia’ she said she was abused by local bosses.

‘It’s more important that Australian residents and international students get paid first,’ one said to her, Ms Bailey claimed.

‘You’re just using me for money,’ another said, according to the backpacker.

She also said employers would also ask her why she thought she should be hired over an Australian.

Australia is facing a massive labor shortage at the moment thanks to the Covid pandemic, with closed borders forcing backpackers to move elsewhere.

On ABC’s Q&A last week, former agriculture minister Bridget McKenzie said vegetable prices had surged because farmers were reluctant to plant crops – only weeks after growers in Queensland and NSW cleaned up the second set of floods this year.

‘You want to know why your lettuces are $12?

‘Farmers are not planting because they do not have the people to get the crop in.

‘That means the price of food goes up – it’s that simple.’

 Senator McKenzie, a Nationals Opposition frontbencher, linked high food prices to a lack of backpackers even though foreigners with working visas have been allowed back into Australia again since December 2021. 

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