Son of hate cleric Abu Hamza jailed over 350k money laundering plot

THE son of hate cleric Abu Hamza was yesterday jailed over a plot to set up bank accounts to launder almost £350,000.

Tito Ibn-Sheikh, 35, was given information by an HSBC bank insider, which he used to create false identities for account holders, a court heard.

Other people used the accounts to launder proceeds of thefts and frauds.

Ibn-Sheikh, of Shepherd’s Bush, West London, was jailed for three years and nine months at Southwark crown court.

He had admitted charges including conspiracy to launder money.

Judge Andrew Goymer said Ibn-Sheikh “used considerable skill, ingenuity and industry towards this fraudulent and dishonest scheme”.

Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza, 63 — once jailed in the UK for in- citing violence — is serving a life sentence in the US for terrorism offences.

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