‘Struck by his obvious joy’: World reacts to Prince Philip’s death

World leaders and prominent figures have paid tribute to Prince Philip following his death on Friday, remembering him for his ‘boundless strength’ and joy for life.

The Duke of Edinburgh, who was the Queen’s husband of more than seven decades and a towering figure in British public life, died at the age of 99 at Windsor Castle.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said his thoughts were with the British people and the Royal Family following the announcement.

“He had a distinguished career in the military and was at the forefront of many community service initiatives. May his soul rest in peace,” he said in a statement.

Prime Minister of Ireland, Micheál Martinm, said he was “saddened to hear” of Philip’s death.

Former United States President George W. Bush said the Duke of Edinburgh had represented his country with dignity and “brought boundless strength and support to the sovereign”.

“Laura and I are fortunate to have enjoyed the charm and wit of his company, and we know how much he will be missed,” he said in a statement.

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair the whole nation would be united in sadness after his passing.

“He will naturally be most recognized as a remarkable and steadfast support to the Queen over so many years. However, he should also be remembered and celebrated in his own right as a man of foresight, determination and courage,” he said.

English footballer Harry Kane gave his condolences to the Queen and Royal Family, after the Football Federation announced it would fly flags at half-mast at two of its major football stadiums.

Lord Alan Sugar, a British billionaire and media personality, said he was “very sad” about Philip’s passing.

Controversial media personality Piers Morgan said Philip was a “truly great Briton A truly great Briton who dedicated his life to selfless public duty”

“(He) was an absolute rock of devoted support to Her Majesty, The Queen, as the longest-serving royal consort to any British sovereign. A very sad day for our country. Thank you, Sir,” he said on Twitter.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said the Duke of Edinburgh “consistently put the interests of others ahead of his own”.

“On the occasions when I met him, I was always struck by his obvious joy at life, his enquiring mind and his ability to communicate to people from every background and walk of life,” he said.

Australian state and territory leaders have also extended their sympathies to the Royal Family following Philip’s death.

New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian said he had a “strong and lengthy relationship” with the state.

“While we mourn his passing at the age of 99, it is the occasion to offer thanks for a very long and dedicated life of service,” she said in a statement.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said her government was “very saddened to hear of his death”.

South Australian Premier Steven Marshall said his state felt a “great sadness” following the duke of Edinburgh’s death.

“South Australians held a great fondness for His Royal Highness whose character embodied the resilience and strength of a generation who had lived through significant adversity but also achieved great triumph,” he said.

Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said Prince Philip was “always charming” to him despite his affiliation with the republican movement in Australia.

“But never more so than at Malta 2015 when he relived his young life with his young wife not yet a Queen,” he said on Twitter.

“He spoke of love, adventure, eyes sparkling, he banished time. And we could see how he won Elizabeth’s heart.”

Chair of the Australian Republic Movement, Peter FitzSimons, said the Duke of Edinburgh had provided unwavering support to Queen Elizabeth for more than 70 years.

Mr Fitzsimons said as the patron of more than 800 charities, Prince Philip’s service had “shaped the lives of hundreds of thousands of people”.

With AP

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