Amanda Seyfried Loved Childbirth so Much She Trained to Become a Doula

Many actors have interests and passions that have nothing to do with their day jobs. Jim Carrey is an accomplished painter. Jennifer Garner plays the saxophone. And Brad Pitt makes pottery. Still, we would not have guessed that The Dropout and Mank star Amanda Seyfried was trained to be a doula and lives on a farm?

Amanda Seyfried loves the simple life with her husband and children

Seyfried started her acting career in the world of soap operas, like As The World Turns and All My Children. The Pennsylvania native’s breakout role was in the teen comedy Mean Girls. Seyfried continued acting in films like Mamma Mia!, Jennifer’s Body, Les Miserables, and HBO’s five-season drama, Big Love.

Seyfried dated a couple of her co-stars, including Justin Long and Dominic Cooper. But Thomas Sadoski stuck around for good. The pair met in the independent dramedy, The Last Word and married in early 2017.

Seyfried and Sadoski had their first child soon after getting married. Fans rarely see their daughter, Nina, on social media of any kind. If she does show up, it is usually from a distance or with her face obscured.

The pair did not announce their second child’s birth personally. Instead, an Instagram announcement was made by INARA, which has both Seyfried and Sadoski on the board. The organization provides access to life-altering medical and mental health care to conflict impacted children.

Seyfried and Sadoski prefer a quiet life on their farm for raising their two children. While she keeps a penthouse on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, the 36-year-old prefers to stay at her farm in the Catskills.

Seyfried told The New York Times that she shares the property with “several chickens, horses of wildly varying sizes, a donkey named Gus, [and] goats.” Seyfried explained, “Everybody needs a center of gravity … Somewhere to feel safe.” Living in the Catskills “solidified my need to be out of the game when I’m not working, to be in nature and to refresh.”

Amanda Seyfried loved giving birth 

According to Marie Claire, Seyfried gave birth to her first child with Sadoski days after their wedding. She loved the experience of giving birth so much that she decided to train as a doula.

The In Time star said, “This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever been a part of. I have to be there for women: childbirth is amazing … I was talking to my doula a lot about what she did. I was like, ‘That sounds like the best thing,’ and I just wanted to be there when people have a baby.”

Seyfried ultimately didn’t finish her training to be a professional doula. There were too many requirements and certifications. She said, “I’m better at, like, taking pictures and massaging the back” when it comes to being an aid during a woman’s childbirth experience.

‘The Dropout’ star is starting a toy company

Seyfried has no problem keeping busy. On top of acting and activism, she is also starting a toy company with two of her close friends. They plan to make playhouses big enough for kids to stand in and made with sustainable materials.

These playhouses will also be aesthetically pleasing and look nice in the homes of those who appreciate good design. Seyfried shared the company name: Make It Cute. She expressed that they hope to launch in 2022.

About working for this company, Seyfried told Marie Claire, “It feels so good to do stuff completely out of my comfort zone. I can’t wait to start a company … I also don’t want to f–k it up for us.” The actor elaborated, “I’m not going to be the face of it. I’m not a brand person.”

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