As we’ve discussed all week, there has been quite a bit of fashion drama among the men of the Windsor klan. Upon his arrival in the UK, sources said that Prince Harry would not be allowed to wear any of his military dress uniforms because, you see, he married a Black American woman. This fact was put side-by-side with Prince Andrew’s apparent desire to wear his vice-admiral’s uniform from the Royal Navy, despite the fact that he stepped down from royal duties after he showed zero remorse for raping teenagers trafficked to him by Jeffrey Epstein. As late as Wednesday afternoon, sources were still insisting that the Great Military Dress Uniform Debacle of 2021 was entirely up to the Queen to solve – she alone could say which men could wear which uniforms, etc. Andrew even made a big show of going to the Daily Mail and basically stage-whispering “whatever mother wants, it’s entirely up to her.” Now the Queen has decided. And weirdly, they’re making it all about Harry.
The Queen has spared Prince Harry’s blushes by ordering no royals wear military uniform for the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral, The Sun can reveal. The Duke of Sussex had faced the humiliating prospect of being the only senior male in the royal family wearing civvies after losing his honorary ranks. There was also said to be “serious Navy displeasure” at being dragged into a row over Prince Andrew possibly wearing an admiral’s uniform.
Insiders involved in planning for Saturday’s funeral claim the Queen personally stepped in to suggest all senior male royals wear suits and ties. A military source told The Sun: “It’s the most eloquent solution to the problem.”
Another source confirmed last night that “current thinking is no uniforms”.
Harry, 36, was stripped of his three military titles when he quit royal duty with wife Meghan. Royal protocol now means the Duke — who did two tours of Afghanistan with the Blues and Royals — can only wear a suit with medals at royal functions.
Andrew, 61, was made an honorary Vice-Admiral in the Royal Navy in 2015. He was due to be promoted to Admiral in 2020 to mark his 60th birthday but chose to defer it until he resumes his official duties.
[From The Sun]
“The Queen has spared Prince Harry’s blushes” and “faced the humiliating prospect” – what are they talking about? Harry, a combat veteran, would not have been the one blushing. He was not the one who would have been humiliated. The ones who should be blushing are the ones who got all of those fancy dress uniforms and shiny medals and pretty ribbons for doing f–k all while Harry was in Afghanistan. My sense is that Harry wasn’t fighting with anyone about this. He knows that he served, and he knew how bad his family would look if he was the only male royal not allowed to wear a uniform. No, the Queen did this because she – or some courtier – finally put it together that they looked like giant a–holes on this issue. That being said, I do expect Keen Guevara to be dressed up like a grief-stricken, sausage-curled Sgt. Pepper.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, WENN and Backgrid.
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