Ben Affleck & J.Lo spent the day together & kissed as she left his house

Again, I am asking you to please enjoy this wonderful Summer of Bennifer. Too many people are spinning too many wild and negative conspiracies about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez at this point! They are in love. They visibly adore each other. He pursued her. He’s happy (for now). Everyone is making an effort to get along. And Emme Anthony’s entrance as a gossip subplot in all of her blue-haired, granny-style glory is extremely welcome too. Pretty soon, J.Lo and Ben are going to be hard at work on separate projects thousands of miles away from each other and we won’t be gifted with all of these photos. Let the Bennifer wash over you and enjoy it.

These are photos from Tuesday, where Ben and J.Lo apparently spent the day together, chilling out and doing whatever. These pics are from outside Ben’s house, and you can see Ben passionately kissing Jennifer goodbye, then giving a hug and a cheek kiss to the woman with J.Lo. Again, Ben looks happy and relaxed. He’s not miserable and contemptuous of the attention. He walked J.Lo and her friend off of his property knowing that the paparazzi were waiting to document their interaction and he happily pulled Jennifer close and kissed her. He’s in love. He’s happy. Now, will he stay that way? I don’t know. But I hope so!

Page Six said the other day that it’s unlikely we’ll get Bennifer at the September Met Gala. I’m still crossing my fingers for it anyway. Hell, I would love to see them at the Venice Film Festival too!! Please??

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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