Bryan Cranston Sets Record Straight on Retirement Comments, Declares Hes Not Quitting Acting

When offering his clarification, the ‘Breaking Bad’ leading man reveals that he just wants to take a break from work to spend time with his wife Robin ‘in a way that I haven’t been able to in the last 25 years.’

AceShowbizBryan Cranston is not quitting acting. The “Breaking Bad” leading man, who recently talked about taking a “pause” in his career, declared in a new social media post that he’s not completely stepping away from the industry.

The 67-year-old set the record straight via Instagram. Sharing photos of him and his wife Robin Dearden on a red carpet, he began, “Hey everyone, I hope this little message finds you well. Some news came out that wasn’t entirely clear…even to me. So I wanted to set the record straight. I am not retiring.”

“What I am going to do is hit the pause button for a year after I reach my 70th birthday in 2026. Holy crap – 70!” he added. “I’m not even sure what ‘pausing’ means entirely, but at this moment, I think it means that by taking a year off it will provide several things.”

Bryan went on to explain, “First, it will allow me to spend time with Robin (my beautiful wife of 34 years now) in a way that I haven’t been able to in the last 25 years…not as a wife of a celebrity, but as a loving married couple entering into – well, let’s be honest, our latter years, with new hopes and goals and experiences.” He continued, “Secondly, it gives me a sort of ‘reset’ in my career.”

“I’ve had such an unbelievable ride for over two decades – with playing characters on TV, films, and on stage that I could only have dreamt about…until it actually happened. I could not be more grateful and thankful for such opportunities,” he stated. “That said, I feel as though I’m beginning to run out of fresh ideas in how to play characters that I’m being offered. So exploring a more expanded life experience will give me the chance to replenish my soul and prepare for whatever roles I may be afforded in a more authentic way.”

Before concluding his lengthy post, the Tony winner let his fans know that he “will unplug from social media, step off the hamster wheel of business, and dive into the classic novels that I’ve always promised myself I would read but haven’t.” He then concluded, “But before that happens, I’ve got some unfinished business. Several films are coming out soon that I’m very proud of, I am producing a few stories for TV that I really love, and I am circling my attention on returning to Broadway.”

The clarification arrived after Bryan told British GQ magazine that he and his wife Robin plan move to a small village, learn the local language, and lead a simple life of cooking and gardening. “I want to have that experience. I want to go for day trips and have the fire in the fireplace and drink wine with new friends and not read scripts. It’s not going to be like, ‘Oh, I’ll read and see what I’m going to do.’ No, it’s a pause. It’s a stop. I won’t be thinking about [work]. I’m not going to be taking phone calls,” he stated.

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