In the newest installment of Singing in the Shower, beauty influencer/musician CC Clarke basically checked off every box for what could make an episode great. Let’s run it down, shall we?
1.) She gave us a preview of her new music.
2.) She wore a completely glamorous, out-of-place outfit.
Oh yeah, and 3.) CC brought in her *11-week-old* baby to participate in a good old-fashioned bathtime concert. What more could we ask of a guest?!
Wearing the most killer electric blue suit, Ms. Clarke chose to sing in the bath rather than the shower for this week’s episode. She had a solid reason though, ’cause fun fact: She hasn’t taken a shower in over a year. She does make that daily bath life look relaxing. CC told us she likes to spend that time talking to herself, (retweet) and of course, singin’ a bit.
For this week’s tracklist, CC sang a bit of her newest single “Boys Do Cry.” She also gloriously belted the song “Driver’s License” to her new baby, Birdyblue, AKA the cutest guest in Singing in the Shower history. BB gave us some vocals! (To be fair it might’ve just been some slight grunting, but still not bad for being less than 3 months out of the womb.)
Check out the full video to watch this iconic mother-daughter duo do their thing, and also just to hear CC’s accent, because it makes this entire episode just 10x more charming.
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