“Channing Tatum will return for a third ‘Magic Mike’ film” links

Channing Tatum & Steven Soderbergh are reteaming to make a third Magic Mike movie. Less plot and more dancing, for the love of God! [Pajiba]
Here’s the trailer for Colton Underwood’s Netflix documentary. Never forget that he stalked & harassed his ex. [Towleroad]
The opening statements from Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial. [Buzzfeed]
Here are all of the Richard Quinn looks at the Fashion Awards. [RCFA]
The final episodes of Pen15 will stream in December. [Seriously OMG]
I love Claire Foy’s pants! [GFY]
Penelope Disick & North West are too young to be on TikTok! [LaineyGossip]
These Christian Louboutin boots are tragic. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Jussie Smollett’s trial started this week. [Dlisted]
Why did Jack Dorsey step down as CEO of Twitter? [Jezebel]
Jennifer Aniston has joined the Facts of Life live reenactment. [JustJared]

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