Dolly Parton Promises To Make Great Rock And Roll Album If Shes Induced Into Hall Of Fame

Dolly Parton has promised that she will make a “great rock and roll album” if she is inducted into Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame.

The 76-year-old legendary singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist is among the nominees for this year’s Rock & Roll Hall of Fame class. The 2022 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony is set to take place in May.

The country music veteran seems a bit surprised by her nomination, telling Billboard, “I was absolutely floored when I heard that. I’ve never thought of myself as being rock ‘n’ roll in any sense of the word – but I guess they judge it on the music and the influence certain songs have had, and I guess I’ve had songs with other people in that realm. But I don’t know how they judge that”.

Parton said she doesn’t expect to get inducted, adding, “I’m not expecting that I’ll get in. But if I do, I’ll immediately, next year, have to put out a great rock ‘n’ roll album – which I’ve wanted to do for years, like a Linda Ronstadt or Heart kind of thing. So this may have been just a God-wink for me to go ahead and do that. It’s just nice to be nominated.”

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