Escape to the Chateau’s Dick and Angel Strawbridge issue update after taking ‘break’

Escape to the château: Dick and Angel say their kids aren't spoilt

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Dick and Angel Strawbridge of much-loved Channel 4 series Escape to the Chateau have been left “buzzing” after business picked up again at their luxurious 45-room property. This, coupled with a long UK tour to promote the show, saw the family give in to temptation and take a seaside break.

After a joyous couple of weeks, the Strawbridges took a little break and spent last weekend at the seaside

Dick and Angel Strawbridge

“The Chateau has been buzzing lately!” Angel, 44, and Dick, 62, told almost 57,000 followers on Twitter.

“The Strawbridges hosted their first wedding in 3 years, the first Chateau under the Stars, and the first Day of Decadence…

“After a joyous couple of weeks, the Strawbridges took a little break and spent last weekend at the seaside.”

The update was accompanied by a photo of Angel and Dick’s adorable young son and daughter playing in the sand.

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The recent upturn in business has been a cause for celebration for the family after previous financial woes associated with the chateau had meant they could barely afford their 2014 wedding.

Dick found himself forced to take a travelling job with National Geographic, which kept him away from home for months at a time, to be able to raise extra funds.

He and Angel purchased their 45-room dream home in the Pays-de-Loire region of North-West France for just £280,000 – not bad for a property with its own moat.

However the seemingly incredible bargain had come with its drawbacks.

For example, extensive renovations were needed as, when they first purchased the chateau, it had no electricity, heating or running water.

The success of the show helped them financially, and they even launched two spin-offs – Escape to the Chateau: Make Do And Mend, and Escape to the Chateau DIY.

However they suffered another slump owing to the pandemic, which left them unable to host weddings and events at their property.

“Our biggest revenue is the weddings, without a shadow of a doubt,” Angel admitted in an interview with You! magazine.

She and Dick were also left unable to travel to promote their series.

Now, however, as travel restrictions have lifted and their show has continued to enjoy popularity, they are in high spirits.

Referring to their sunshine break, Twitter follower @MikeBobnick wrote: “A well deserved time away!”

He encouraged: “Glad business is in full swing and happy you’re able to find some time to recharge! Enjoy your weekend!”

Meanwhile @John1Houghton indicated that they were in high demand, adding: “Are there any new series on TV in the pipeline?”

The children are reportedly also delighted to be returning to normal primary school education post-pandemic after lessons at home with their father, who had previously served in the military, led to accusations that he was too strict.

“I had three people in my Daddy’s School – Arthur, Dorothy and Angel,” Dick joked to You!

“Angel got detention twice at the first morning session – and never came back!”

Angel added: “Let’s hope we never have to do that again!”

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