'Euphoria': Chloe Cherry Explains How She Got Cast as Faye

Though there have been a number of new characters introduced in Euphoria Season 2, Faye is certainly a fan favorite. In her very first scene, she managed to deliver a delightful pot calling the kettle black moment when she declared Rue was a “f****** junkie a** b****”. Since then, she’s been in her fair share of snafus, including being stuffed into a vent. Furthermore, she brings some levity to the dark drama.

The character of Faye is brought to life by Chloe Cherry. Cherry’s deadpan delivery of lines and hilarious expressions has earned her a number of fans. But just how did Cherry manage to luck her way into the Euphoria cast for the show’s sophomore season?

Chloe Cherry played Jules in a porn parody of ‘Euphoria’ before being cast as Faye

Cherry actually comes from an entertainment background. Before portraying Faye, she was making a name for herself in the adult film industry. In fact, in 2020, she portrayed Jules in a porn parody of Euphoria. However, in a conversation with Interview Magazine, Cherry revealed that it was her social media presence that led her to join the cast of Euphoria.

Cherry reveals that Sam Levinson wanted her to audition after seeing her Instagram page

“Sam Levinson [Euphoria’s writer, director, and creator.] found me on Instagram,” Cherry explained. “He thought I was funny and wanted me to audition, so of course, I sent in tapes and everything. I was so blown away that he wanted to audition me at all. It was the greatest honor of my life.”

A fan of Euphoria, Cherry jumped at the opportunity to audition for the role of Faye. Once she learned she’d got the role, she threw herself into research. She went so far as to adopt specific speech patterns. However, Levinson was more interested in her natural cadence and persona than something she’d concocted.

Cherry did lot of research to prepare to play Faye

“I had this whole thing prepared, and I was like studying, like, people that do heroin, like how they talk,” Cherry explained in an episode of Enter Euphoria. “I came in and I was doing it, and Sam was like, ‘Okay, say it just like how you would say it.’ I didn’t do anything! Then I started talking just like me, and he was like, ‘That’s so good.’ And I was like, ‘OK if you say so. You make Euphoria, you would know.”

For Cherry, playing Faye has been a real treat. And while the 24-year-old has plenty of castmates in her age bracket, she actually grew the closest to Levinson while working. on the show. In the aforementioned conversation with Interview Magazine, the actor shared that she really connected with the writer. He was also pivotal in helping her understand her complex character.

The actor developed a connection with ‘Euphoria’ creator, Levinson

“We would talk a lot about the characters and compare them to our actual life experiences,” Cherry shared about her connection with the Euphoria creator. “He was just so good at connecting with me and getting me to really relate to Faye, to pull from my life to make it feel real. We talked a lot, and I honestly found him to be a very fascinating person. You know Rue, the main character, is based on him? He has such a vision.”

We’re sure fans of Euphoria are interested in seeing what’s next for Cherry in the next few episodes of Season 2. Certainly, we don’t think we’ve seen the last of Faye.

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