Geordie Shore star Grant Coulson opens up about sexuality as he finds love with a man

Geordie Shore star Grant Coulson has opened about his sexuality, after he found love with a man.

The 31 year old has claimed that he has slept with over 30 women while on MTV and other reality show and had a fling with Chloe Ferry, all while dealing with his sexuality.

He's since found love with a man, named Scott, who he has gushed about in a recent interview, as he said that he is "helping to break the stigma".

Speaking to the Mirror, Grant said: "A lot of lads in the same position have been reaching out for advice, they've said it's inspiring. The general reaction has been very positive."

On whether sharing his sexuality has helped break the stigma, he revealed that people have said "You don't look gay".

He explained: "What does gay look like? I'm just me I don't have to act or behave a certain way to fit a certain label." Reflecting on the likes of Daley and singer Styles, he added: "Harry Styles and Tom Daley, they've had had a positive impact on their audience.

"A lot of lands find it hard due to the stigma but I hope my story has helped inspire others who are feeling the same way."

Grant, even went as far as to say that he hopes to marry his new boyfriend.

He went on to say "now I am finally happy" as he said he was made to be a "character" on the MTV show, Geordie Shore, as he explained: "I had to go along with that, it wasn’t who I was but for so long I had to pretend to be that kind of thing."

He explained that he has been on 'anxiety medication' since the situation, and 'locked himself away', before saying that he wanted his family to 'find out physically', rather than him telling them that he is gay.

Grant went on to say that he "wanted them to find out I am now with a boy, and this is who I am".

He is now living with his boyfriend, and they share a dog together.

Grant told The Sun: 'I think now I just feel more comfortable with who I am. For years I hid the real me and now I am finally happy, I feel like everyone needs to know the real me. I feel like I have been hiding myself for such a long period of time, it just a bit of a weight lifted off my shoulders.

'I think I have known for years but more people are more open to it now. It's not the 1800s, no one's really bothered anymore.'

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