Giggs had eight full-on affairs behind my back, ex-girlfriend told police

Ryan Giggs arrives at court in Manchester

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A police video interview of Kate Greville, 36, shown in court detailed how she examined his iPad shortly before deciding to leave him.

Scrolling through the device belonging to Giggs, 48, in the summer of 2020, she told officers she saw messages to his friends calling her a “slag” and a “silly cow”.

Giggs denies subjecting Ms Greville to controlling and coercive behaviour, headbutting her and attacking her younger sister Emma in November 2020.

A jury at Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court heard that Ms Greville wanted to know the truth about his relationships. She told police: “The reality of what I found was way worse than I could imagine.

“There was six years of stuff on there. Eight women he has been having affairs with while he was with me, full-on relationships. It had gone on since 2014, right from the beginning. It was all on his iPad.”

Ms Greville said she decided to leave him while he was away managing Wales. She added: “I knew if I confronted him about anything, it would just kick off.”

Ms Greville told the court, in evidence from behind a screen, that Giggs would regularly accuse her of “being with other men”. She said: “If I didn’t do what he said, he would get angry and not be very nice to me.”

Giggs allegedly twice “dragged” her out of hotel rooms and dumped her in the corridor naked after rows.

During the interview recorded nearly three weeks after Giggs allegedly headbutted her, Ms Greville said she had been made “physically ill” by his behaviour and was driven to seek treatment from a therapist.

She claimed that during their relationship Giggs had said she was his “soulmate” and “the love of his life” and planned a future family with her.

But she stated she suffered a “constant mental battle” due to Giggs’ alleged controlling and coercive behaviour, which including assaults.

Ms Greville said when they first met both had recently suffered marriage breakdowns. She added: “It was like I had met my saviour. I was in love with him and it was some kind of passionate love, like in the movies.”

But describing an alleged incident in a Dubai nightclub in 2017, she claimed: “I said, “Are you messaging a girl?” and he flipped. He said, “It’s my daughter, we’re done”. I ran back to the hotel, got into bed, and he flipped again.

“I had no clothes on, he grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me into the lounge, got all my suitcase, belongings, make-up. He threw me out naked and then shut the door.”

Ms Greville said she once received an email from a man with a naked picture of Giggs he found on his wife’s phone. She also described an incident in a London hotel when she accused Giggs of flirting with women.

She alleged in the hotel room: “He kicked me in the back so hard that I flew off the bed. He dragged me naked into the suite area. He got my bag with my laptop and threw it at my head.” When lockdown started, she moved into Giggs’ mansion in Worsley, Greater Manchester, but said she was treated “like a housemaid”.

Prosecutor Peter Wright QC had called their relationship “toxic”.

The trial continues.

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