Hailey Bieber's Blood Clot Health Scare 'Elevated' Her Marriage To Justin & Solidified THIS About Their Relationship!

Justin and Hailey Bieber’s bond is stronger than ever after her recent health scare!

As you may recall, the 25-year-old model experienced what she thought were “stroke like symptoms” over breakfast with her hubby one morning earlier this month. It turned out to be a small blood clot in her brain, “which caused a small lack of oxygen” at the time. Thankfully, the clot ended up passing on its own and she has since fully recovered.

While the experience has traumatized Justin, it has also undeniably strengthened their relationship. In fact, a source told Entertainment Tonight that it made Hailey realize just how much Justin will stick “by her side” no matter what hardships they face in their life together:

“Hailey went through a traumatic experience with her blood clot, but she is thankfully doing much better and is healthy. This actually elevated her relationship with Justin and solidified that he will always be by her side through thick and thin and make sure she is taken care of and supported in any capacity.”

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Aww! The insider also noted that the health scare helped them gain more appreciation for what they have, explaining:

“Hailey knows now more than ever that she can always rely on him and lean on him when she needs support. Justin was shaken up by the experience too. Hailey is his world and he could never imagine life without her. This brought them closer together than ever before and it was a reminder for the both of them to really appreciate each other and their special relationship.”

But that’s not all! After everything that went down, the couple has even been making more time for each other:

“They never want to let each other go and feel so grateful to call each other husband and wife and to feel like they have a true partner.”

We can only imagine how terrifying the medical emergency must have been for not just Hailey but Justin as well. The 28-year-old singer admitted as much during his concert in Denver last week, expressing after the show faced some technical difficulties:

“Life randomly throws you curve balls. You know, we can’t really control much. You know, tonight the power cutting out. Obviously, you guys know, most of you probably know or seen the news about my wife, not sure if you guys seen. She’s OK, she’s good. She’s strong. But it’s been scary, you know, it’s been really scary, but I know for a fact that god has her in the palm of his hands. And that’s a good thing.”

We’re glad to hear Justin and Hailey’s marriage is doing well after this scary time and that they are sticking by each other’s side!

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