Halle Berry Explains the Moment Adrien Brody Kissed Her at the Oscars: 'What the F— Is Happening?'

Halle Berry is one of the world’s most stunning actors. She has received acclaim for her work in dramatic films, as well as for her ability to stay fit.

These days, Berry remains mostly out of the spotlight, although she still works on projects that interest her from time to time. In the early 2000s, however, Berry was everywhere and was frequently making headlines, even when she might not have planned for it.

Such was the case in 2003 when Berry ended up at the center of a highly-publicized Oscars moment that is still getting attention today. 

Adrien Brody passionately kissed Halle Berry after winning the Oscar

At the 75th Annual Academy Awards, eccentric actor Adrien Brody was being honored for his work in the dramatic film The Pianist, when something happened that shocked viewers and attendees alike.

Brody, who was being presented the Oscar by Berry, then at the height of her fame, decided to grab Berry in a dramatic embrace once she had given him the award. Rather than give her a quick squeeze and then let her go, Brody bent her backward in a passionately over-the-top kiss.

When Brody released Berry, the actress appeared to be laughing incredulously, while the audience broke out in awkward laughter. The moment made headlines, and to many Academy showrunners and producers, is still one of the most shocking things ever to occur on the awards stage. 

What did Halle Berry tell Andy Cohen about the Adrien Brody kiss?

Ultimately, while many viewers and attendees might have been amused by the kiss, Berry most definitely was not. In a 2017 interview with Andy Cohen, the actor admitted that she was totally shocked by the kiss and that it wasn’t planned at all. Berry said that when Brody kissed her, her thought was “what the fuck is happening?”

Still, Berry was so shocked and surprised that she “just fucking went with it.” Cohen asked Berry if the kiss was good at least, but Berry replied “I don’t know. I was too focused on ‘What the fuck is going on right now?’”

Berry and Brody have not crossed paths in such a public setting since that big moment in 2003, but if they do in the future, it is likely that Berry will be paying much closer attention to Brody’s movements. 

Who is Adrien Brody dating now?

As for Brody, he went on to become one of the most prolific actors of the early 2000s, especially after his big win for The Pianist. Brody, who is noted for his total commitment to any role, has chosen to keep his personal life well out of the spotlight, rarely granting interviews and preferring to choose unexpected roles. Still, he continues to take the path that few expect — even when it comes to his love life.

In early 2020, People reported Brody was dating Georgina Chapman, the estranged wife of disgraced movie executive Harvey Weinstein. Brody had worked with Weinstein on several occasions in the past, appearing in movies for the Weinstein-helmed Miramax Productions.

Still, the pairing of Brody and Chapman was an unlikely one. Sources indicated that Chapman enjoyed Brody’s eccentric tendencies and that the two genuinely enjoyed each other’s company, which led to the romance. 

For Brody, it is hardly his first encounter with a stunning woman in Hollywood — although it seems as though, this time at least, Chapman is a willing participant, unlike Berry. 

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