Are Jamie Spears‘ and Britney Spears’ legal teams finally on the same page?
It’s pretty clear that Jamie has been steamrolling his daughter’s wishes for over a decade since the beginning of her conservatorship. Only around the last two years has the pop star’s desire to get out of this arrangement made it to court, and we watched as his lawyers fought tooth and nail to keep him in control of her life. But as soon as his daughter got her own former federal prosecutor of a lawyer, the Spears patriarch did a 180 and filed to end the conservatorship for good.
Understandably, Brit’s attorney Mathew Rosengart (and many #FreeBritney onlookers) assumed Jamie was trying to weasel his way out of an investigation into potential misconduct as conservator. But in new legal docs obtained by TMZ, his new lawyers claimed that he’s willing to be totally transparent with the singer’s team and isn’t even seeking out “further compensation” for his role as conservator. How generous!
The filing read:
“Jamie unconditionally loves and supports his daughter. Full stop. As he has done for her entire life, Jamie will do everything he can to protect and care for her. For the last 13 years, that included serving as her Conservator. Now, it means ending her Conservatorship.”
Rosengart has indicated that he expects the conservatorship to be done with at the next hearing on November 12, but for whatever reason, Jamie is still advocating to speed up the timeline:
“This conservatorship should end. Now. There is no reason for another second of delay. Jamie is willing to stipulate to the immediate termination of the Conservatorship without reservation or exception.”
Of course, the Stronger artist’s lawyer cast doubt as to whether Jamie’s switcheroo on ending the conservatorship was “motivated by a desire to bolster his reputation or to avoid his deposition or responding to the outstanding discovery served on him in August.”
In his own filing, Rosengart submitted discovery requests that would dig in to Jamie’s relationship with Tri Star Sports & Entertainment Group and his communications with Lou Taylor. Further, following the bombshell allegations regarding Jamie spying on his daughter during the conservatorship, the filing demanded “all documents and communications relating to any recording or listening device in the home or bedroom of Britney Jean Spears, including all documents and communications relating to the decision to place any such recording or listening device and the records of any such recording.”
In addition, “all documents and communications relating to the electronic surveillance, monitoring, cloning, or recording of the activity of Britney Jean Spears’ personal telephone, including but not limited to the surveillance, monitoring, cloning, iCloud mirroring, or recording of calls, emails, text messages, internet browser use or history, and social media use or direct messages on social media.”
He’s a thorough guy, Britney’s lawyer! All that being said, he did make note of an October 22 email from the father of three’s lawyer, in which he communicated “in no uncertain terms my client has no interest in continuing the conservatorship and I will join in any effort to terminate immediately.” Rosengart actually agreed:
“Ms. Spears has made her wishes known about ending the conservatorship she has endured for so long and she has pleaded with this Court to ‘let her have her life back,’ without an evaluation, recently attending two Court hearings and asking this Court directly to end the conservatorship. It is respectfully submitted—with the consent of all parties—that the time has come.”
So yes, the battling duo’s legal teams are finally on the same page. But ending the conservatorship is going to happen on HER terms and HER timeline — as it should be! Whatever Jamie’s ulterior motives are, we trust that Rosengart is going to get to the bottom of it.
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