Jenelle Evans Body-Shames David Eason’s Ex: Your Boob Job SUCKS!

Folks, it brings us no pleasure to report that Jenelle Evans is at it again.

For a while there, Evans actually managed to tone down her awfulness.

The reason for this brief period of sanity was not a Scrooge-like realization that she’s spent most of her life sowing the seeds of misery and should therefore spend her remaining days undoing the damage she’s wrought.

Rather, Jenelle caught a glimpse of something she’s been looking for for years — a glimmer of hope that she might be able to revive her television career.

Jenelle was not invited to join the cast of Teen Mom: Family Reunion, and for obvious reasons, she was quite upset about the snub.

After all, along with her husband, David Eason, Evans has been unemployed for years, and the opportunity to return to the only thing she’s ever done professionally must have been a tantalizing one.

So when she learned that was one of the only original Moms who hadn’t been cast on TMFR, Jenelle was angry.

And usually when Jenelle is angry, she takes to social media to whine and complain to anyone who will listen.

This time, however, it seems that Evans thought she could impress her former bosses by keeping a lid on her outrage.

It didn’t last long, of course.

Last month, Jenelle lashed out Amber Portwood, who was cast on Family Reunion — and who made the mistake of briefly mentioning Evans during a recent episode.

Now, Evans is directing her outrage toward an even more random target:

As you may already know, Olivia Leedham is the father of David’s son Kaden.

David is not legally allowed to see his son, so Olivia is always toward the top of the Easons’ lengthy list of enemies.

Occasionally, when she’s feeling ornery, Jenelle scrolls through Olivia’s Instagram page and finds something to get upset about.

You would think it would be the pics of Olivia spending time with David’s estranged son that would get Jenelle’s goat.

But apparently, more often than not, it’s Leedham’s modeling pics that send Jenelle into cyber-bully mode.

“Gotta admit, your boobs look really bab after using people’s donation money for breast implants,” she recently wrote alongside a photo of Olivia, according to The Sun.

The post was quickly deleted, which is in keeping with Jenelle’s pattern.

This is not the first time that Evans has accused Olivia of paying for her breast implants with GoFundMe cash that was donated by fans to help Leedham in her ongoing legal battle against Eason.

Jenelle has no proof of this claim, of course, but she’s not gonna let that stop her!

“Instead of using that money for custody court you got yourself a boob job,” Evans wrote in another quickly-deleted post last year.

“Wow, you played everyone on the Internet. Can’t wait to tell your son one day,” Jenelle prattled on.

“Instead of using that money for custody court you got yourself a boob job.”

Jenelle frequently complains about being body-shamed herself, and this time around, commenters were quick to call her out for her hypocrisy.

“[Jenelle] is body shaming people again (David’s ex of all people),” one person wrote.

“I guess she deleted the IG story shortly after. She’s still bitter that Olivia made extra money on her GFM a couple summers ago.”

“Hmmmm — I thought Juhnelle was all about body positivity. I guess that doesn’t apply to [David’s] exes,” another commented.

“Jenelle’s life is chaos and she hates seeing people doing better than her.”

“This is hilarious, she is so pathetic,” a third chimed in.

The funny thing is, Jenelle’s main argument for why she should be re-hired by MTV is that she’s done a complete 180 in recent years, and Teen Mom 2 fans deserve to be brought up to speed on her “comeback.”

After making that case, Evans goes and does stuff like this, reminding her former bosses of exactly why they parted ways with her in the first place.

Yes, Jenelle certainly feuds with a lot of different, but her biggest enemy will always be herself.

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