Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Are House Hunting at a $85 Million Estate

Looks like Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are still busy looking for the perfect home to settle down in. And when I say “home,” I definitely mean giant mansion worth tens of millions. These two recently made headlines for checking out a $65 million mansion, but apparently the place just wasn’t cutting it because now they’re out here looking at a place worth $85 million.

According to TMZ, J.Lo and Ben spent Tuesday driving around Los Angeles looking at houses together, and the $85 million estate in question is located in Beverly Hills. So, is it worth the price? Whomst knows, but it’s clearly not a regular home, it’s a cool home. TMZ reports that amenities include 12 bedrooms and 24 bathrooms (HOW? WHAT?), not to mention a guest penthouse, a caretaker’s home, and a 2-bedroom garden house. Oh, and it has parking for 80 guests, in case Ben and Jen want to throw any wild parties. On top of that, the home has its own indoor sports complex, with a boxing ring and a basketball court.

^How I imagine this house tour going.

As a reminder, these two are fresh off a luxurious vacation to St. Tropez, where they went public with their relationship on Instagram, seemingly recreated the bikini yacht scene from the “Jenny from the Block” video, and–ah yes—almost ran into Jennifer’s ex Alex Rodriguez several times. Because yep, he was also vacationing in St. Tropez on a yacht at the exact same time. Summer 2021, everyone.

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