Jenny Ryan slams annoyed The Chase fan who branded her the least intelligent on show

Quizzer Jenny Ryan wears glamorous dress to ITV Palooza

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A disgruntled Jenny Ryan, also nicknamed The Vixen on The Chase, slammed the audacity of the insult, before expressing her pleasure that the offender was finally escorted out of the venue. “Shout out to karma…” she tweeted via her account @jenlion.

Shout out to karma…

Jenny Ryan

“Yesterday evening a chap sat down next to me and opened with “You’re the least intelligent, but I do love The Chase…”

Barely skipping a beat after delivering the insulting blow, he then tried to develop the conversation further.

“[He] seemed to think I would be interested in continuing to chat to him,” she wrote, “getting really annoyed when I talked to my friend instead… “

TV quiz shows have been Jenny’s profession for almost 20 years, since she made her debut on University Challenge back in 2003, taking the University of Leeds all the way to the semi-finals.

Since then, she has appeared on Mastermind, Are You An Egghead?, Fifteen To One and The Weakest Link, where she no doubt had an early introduction to sharp-tongued insults courtesy of notoriously tough ex-host Anne Robinson.

Now a regular fixture on The Chase, where she was nicknamed The Vixen, she still finds herself fending off insults about her intelligence.

However, she gained her revenge, as she claimed the man caused another disturbance with an actress at the event not long afterwards and was removed from the venue altogether.

“He annoyed the magnificent @DelBellHaynes1 during her set and was firmly escorted from the premises,” she explained.

“The system works!”

“It’s also such a weird thing to say,” she mused of the man’s insult.

“Like ‘least successful Beatle’ or ‘least corrupt government minister.'”

Presenter India Willoughby stepped in to defend Jenny, tweeting back: “Wow. What a thing to say. Watch every night, and I’d say you were one of the toughest to beat.

“Remember one episode where you got every single Q right!”

“‘The least intelligent’???” TheRexSystem fired back incredulously.

“My word, between you and Paul [Sinha], you two are the top two chasers in my book!

“Damn people don’t know a thing, karma at its finest,” he exclaimed, before adding: “Keep shining Jenny! You’re incredible!!”

Crazygoddess73 analysed the psychology of the man’s behaviour, suggesting: “He was obviously intimidated and tried to cover his insecurity by trying to put you down.”

Iammockatory added encouragingly: “[He] probably [has] no idea of the work you put in to get to where you are.”

Others said it made their blood boil to think of one of their favourite TV personalities being treated like a “public punching bag”.

Meanwhile flockofwords joked: “Clearly he’s been watching those pick-up artist instruction vids that assure sad, inadequate incels that negging women is the secret to getting laid. Probably thinks he’s an ‘Alpha Male’, the poor berk.”

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