Kim Kardashian Posts Competitive Bikini Pics: I’m Still Hotter Than Kylie!

Last week, the entire Kardashian clan traveled to Turks and Caicos to celebrate Stormi Webster’s third birthday.

Such lavish affairs are nothing new for Kylie Jenner’s daughter, and since her mom is the world’s youngest self-made billionaire, the festivities probably won’t be stopping anytime soon.

But Kylie and her sisters might do well to stop posting so many pics of their awesome vacations.

Don’t get us wrong, we love sight of some heavily-retouched bikini pics as much as anyone.

In recent months, however, photos from the sisters’ island getaways have not been particualrly well received.

That’s mostly because the Kardashians don’t care about Covid, or the fact that they might be contributing to its global spread by traveling non-stop and refusing to wear masks.

But there are other reasons that the Kards might want to take a hiatus from Instagram, as well.

For strarters, fans have been dissecting every post in search of new information about the forthcoming Kim-Kanye divorce.

(We know it seems like it’s been in the works forever, but trust us — it’s coming.)

On top of that, commenters are always on the lookout for signs of strife within the family.

Is Kourtney really upset about the fact that Scott is dating another teenager?

Is Scott pissed about Kourtney and Travis Barker?

Those questions aren’t easy to answer right now, as the Kards do their best to keep a lid on such matters until they can be explored on new episodes of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

(And since KUWTK is coming to an end, you know they want the show to go out with a bang in its final season.)

But one thing we do know for sure is that the feud between Kim and Kylie is still going strong.

Kylie Jenner "Pregnancy Lips"

Don’t get us wrong, it’s a good-natured feud, but the two social media icons clearly see one another as rivals, and with good reason.

These two are inarguably the most popular members of their family, and Kim has made it abundantly clear that she’s not yet ready to abidcate and hand her crown over to the younger generation.

She is, however, willing to curry favor with Gen-Z’ers by poaching their friends.

Just check out this new pic of Kim hanging out with Kylie’s bestie, Stassie Karanikolaou.

“The new Kylie and Stass! #SisterSwap,” Kim captioned the photo on Instagram.

Kim even went so far as to tag herself as Kylie to really drive the point home.

And it seems that Kylie did not take that gesture as a compliment.

“Whatever,” the 23-year-old commented on the pics.

The rivalry between the sisters has been simmering for years, but fortunately, it’s never gotten terribly messy.

Insiders say Kim and Kylie both see the other’s success as motivation to step their own game up.

With her latest post, Kim seems to be saying that she could still step into Kylie’s shoes at any moment, and her recent bikini pics seem to confirm that fact.

Fortunately, the family’s latest vacay wasn’t all competitive.

As you can see, Kim and Kourtney took some time to pose for a selfie with just the two of them, which is surpriaingly something we don’t see very often.

“Greetings from Turks and Caicos. Xx Kourt & Kim,” captioned the pic above.

Speaking of Kourtney, if you’re wondering how she feels about Scott’s relationship with Amelia Hamlin, you might be disappointed with how drama-free the situation is.

Kylie Jenner Gets Nearly-Nude on Instagram: It’s a Christmas Miracle!Start Gallery

“He’s liked her for a long time and she just got more open to the idea. He’s a good guy and a really great dad,” a source tells People magazine.

“Her family and friends all really like him. Their kids all get along too, which is sweet.”

Sounds like Kourt is content to leave the feuding to Kim and Kylie.

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