‘King Charles’s coronation to be inclusive and less archaic’, says Jennie Bond

King Charles is working "very hard" to make his coronation more “inclusive, relevant and less archaic”, while ensuring it echoes the “gravity and solemnity” of the Queen’s investiture in 1953, says royal expert Jennie Bond.

Our new King's coronation was confirmed by Buckingham Palace to take place on the 6th May this year.

With a statement, announcing the event, the palace said: "The coronation will reflect the monarch’s role today and look towards the future, while being rooted in long-standing traditions and pageantry."

And Jennie is sure it will be a "big event"

“2022 was an extraordinary and traumatic year in so many ways. It had lots of ups and downs – the Platinum Jubilee, the Queen’s passing, her funeral and the continuation of the Prince Harry and Meghan saga," she says.

“What we’re all witnessing with the New Year is the end of an era and the true beginning of a new era. The job is now securely Charles’s and he will forge through the year with enormous enthusiasm.

“He has such a strong work ethic and he will clearly be looking towards the coronation

“Whether it’s actually an event he’ll enjoy is probably questionable.

"It’s clearly going to be a big event, as witnessed by the Cabinet meeting recently that suggested it’s going to be even more enormous than the funeral of the Queen in terms of state attendees.”

And Jennie says the King, who has "guardian angel Camilla by his side", has been working very hard behind the scenes to make his coronation much more inclusive and less traditional.

"When we saw him make his first speech as King, we saw that change in tone – being King is his solemn duty," she explains.

"He clearly felt the weight of the job on his shoulders and that will be apparent in the coronation. It will be a mixture of a little less of the stiff, ancient formality but it will retain the basic structure of something extremely important happening.”

Jennie reveals the ceremony and celebrations will bring the country together again, after the success of last year's Platinum Jubilee celebrations and says unity is important to Charles.

She says: “Events such as the coronation, which will be both a joyful occasion as well as a solemn one, do a great deal to shore up the popularity of the monarchy. There will be millions of people watching the pageantry so a big cheer goes up for the monarchy on these great occasions.

“It’ll be a fantastic day. Charles’ mother, in the Christmas message she gave the year she acceded, said she looked forward to her coronation and asked for everyone to pray for her on the coronation day. Charles will be hoping for unity."

There's been much speculation as to whether his son Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will attend the coronation, but Jennie believes the couple, who now live in the States, will "receive an invitation" because "Charles is a loving father."

“It’s only five years since Charles was on Radio 4 and called him ‘darling boy’. That’s how he always talked about him. A lot has happened in six years, but he will always remain Harry’s dad.

"I cannot conceive that they would not be invited, unless he says something so completely dreadful.”


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