Los Angeles P.D. Investigating T.I. Harris Over Sexual Assault Allegations

Accusations of sexual abuse and assault have been looming over Clifford “T.I.” Harris and his wife, Tameka “Tiny” Cottle. Allegations have continued to plague the couple since January and now, T.I. is under investigation in California. Reports indicate that police have been looking into the rapper for weeks.

Los Angeles police confirm T.I. is being investigated

According to ABC News 7, the Los Angeles Police Department is investigating rapper T.I. for sexual assault. It is unclear whether he is the only person implicated in the investigation. The outlet confirmed the information with LAPD that there’s an active probe underway.

Per ABC, in April 2021, an unnamed victim reported a 2005 incident which is at the center of this investigation. Deadline also reports that the alleged victim spoke to detectives about drugging and rape claims.

In this instance, the woman claims she went to T.I. and Tiny’s hotel room and only remembers waking up naked in bed with them. She also felt ill during the alleged encounter.

Authorities are referring to her as Jane Doe, and she’s retained the same New York lawyer representing other accusers.

Women from multiple states name T.I. and Tiny as sexual predators

What started as a wave of accusations from Tiny’s former friend, Sabrina Peterson, has ballooned into a full-blown controversy. Alleged victims from multiple states have come forward, and many contacted attorney Tyrone Blackburn, a Brooklyn-based lawyer, to represent their interests.

In February, he spoke to the New York Times and informed the outlet he sent letters to Georgia and California prosecutors requesting they investigate the Harrises and members of their team. Blackburn stated that none of his clients know each other, but many shared similar stories.

Accusations include rape, forced ingestion of drugs, terroristic threats, and kidnapping. One of the alleged victims is a military veteran. In March, Blackburn asserted other victims reached out, including one who claimed that the couple trafficked her in Nevada, California, and Florida, per his interview with the Daily Beast.  

He told the outlet that his only interest is justice. “This is very sensitive, and I do not want the Harrises to get off on a technicality because I may have disclosed something prematurely or because something may have gotten out,” he said. “For me, the goal is to get justice for these women, hands down. This is not about money. This is not about clout.”

T.I. and Tiny’s lawyer denies the claims

When accusations first surfaced in January, both T.I. and Tiny vehemently denied everything and challenged Peterson’s assertions. They maintained that they’ve only had consensual sex with people.

Their attorney Steve Sadow refuted Blackburn’s moves and issued a statement via the NYT. “These allegations are nothing more than the continuation of a sordid shakedown campaign that began on social media and now attempts to manipulate the press and misuse the justice system.”

Neither of the entertainers have spoken out directly in months, but Tiny has since fallen out with one of her longtime friends, Shekinah Jo, someone who staunchly defended them against these allegations.

How to get help: In the U.S., call the RAINN National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline at 1-800-656-4673 to connect with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area

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