Lynne Spears Asks For Britney's Estate To Pay Her Attorney Fees – A Day Before The Singer Blasts Her!

Is Britney Spears’ mom revealing her true colors!?

On Monday, Lynne Spears filed a petition requesting that her famous daughter’s estate pay her attorney’s fees in the pop princess’ ongoing conservatorship battle — an interesting development, seeing as it came a day before Brit claimed Lynne was the parent who was behind the conservatorship in the first place.

According to court docs obtained by Page Six, Lynne laid out more than $660,000 in legal fees and incurred costs that her lawyers want to come “out of the conservatorship estate or assets on hand.” These services rendered by Lynne’s counsel include meetings, phone calls, emails, preparation of documents, and court appearances.

The 66-year-old has never had a formal role in the case but is considered an interested party — which is why Lynne claims her daughter should foot the bill here. She claimed in the petition that Britney had “enthusiastically agreed” to her joining the conservatorship case as an interested party to “help end nightmare and the crisis she was enduring.”

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The filing described Lynne as a “very concerned mother” who presented her attorneys with “a very disturbing story of her daughter’s life and the unreasonable restrictions under which suffered, including some as serious as being involuntarily moved from her home, not being allowed to travel to Louisiana for a Spears family Christmas and what Lynne pronounced as an extended stay in a medical facility against Britney’s will.”

The author also told her lawyers about the “daily restrictions on” and “microscopic control” of her 39-year-old daughter under the conservatorship, the docs allege, including “a paltry, unexplained weekly allowance, the type of phone she was allowed (a flip phone), travel and movement restrictions including a prohibition on Britney driving her own car and prohibitions on visitors to her home, including her boyfriend and even her children’s friends.”

In the docs, Lynne’s lawyers credited themselves with getting the ball rolling on suspending Jamie Spears from his conservator role, claiming they were the first to question “the adequacy of Jamie’s competence to remain as conservator of the person” and identifying the “lack of checks and balances over his service as conservator of the estate.”

As for how Britney feels about this? The Toxic singer may have already made that known, as she blasted Lynne in a since-deleted Instagram post on Tuesday night, writing:

“My dad may have started the conservatorship 13 years ago … but what people don’t know is is that my mom is the one who gave him the idea !!!! I will never get those years back …. she secretly ruined my life.”

Yikes. Sounds like Lynne and Britney do not see eye to eye here. But how does the court see it?

We’ll find out soon enough. The next hearing in the case is set for November 12, and could lead to the termination of the conservatorship altogether.


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