Married At First Sight’s Mel Schilling reveals love story with husband Gareth

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Mel Schilling, a romance coach on the explosive Aussie edition of Married At First Sight since 2016, has joined MAFS UK to sex it up. And she’s promising fireworks!

“Oh my gosh, there’s no holding back,” laughs the 49-year-old Melbourne native.

In April, Mel moved herself, her husband Gareth Brisbane – who’s from Northern Ireland and runs an online betting business – and their six-year-old daughter, Maddie, to Brighton to film the reality show where couples are matched by science and then meet for the first time at the altar.

Mel invited OK! to spend a sunshine-filled afternoon with her adorable “mini-me”, Maddie, and her husband.

The family are a picture of happiness, and it’s no surprise. Mel reveals that, after a devastating miscarriage, the couple turned to IVF and were delighted when she fell pregnant with Maddie.

She tells us about her joy at becoming a mum at 42, and how it means their daughter has easily slotted in with their adventurous, globe-trotting lifestyle.

Mel also opens up about being single in her thirties, and how she eventually found her Mr Right, marrying Gareth in Bali in July 2018. She also reveals the “lots” of mistakes she has made along the way, and why she could never go on Married At First Sight…

We’ve seen what opening up can lead to in the Aussie version of MAFS – infidelity, bust-ups, name-calling and wine-throwing. Can you promise us some fireworks in the UK version, too?

Oh, absolutely. There are some real surprises in there. The Aussie culture is very much about being very blunt and open. The Brits were more of a slow burn and they weren’t so vulnerable, so it was a real joy watching them open up. I loved seeing that. But this has been a really interesting learning curve for me. I mean, I’m married to a Brit, so you’d think I’d have a little bit of insight!

The show has brought you to a global audience, but there have been setbacks. In 2019, you were labelled “The most hated woman in Australia” during season six, after criticising contestant Bronson Norrish for calling his partner, Ines Bašić, the C-word. How difficult was the fallout from that to deal with?

I’ve reflected a lot on that situation and why that became such a dramatic backlash. It struck a chord in Australia
at the time, in terms of broader issues around the way women and men relate to each other. The backlash was tough for me, I’m not going pretend it wasn’t. The impact on me lasted a few years, but it has taught me a lot as well, about how to manage my interaction with social media. Now, it’s water off a duck’s back. It’s easy for me to go, “Block, delete, move on.”

Before you were married, would you ever have gone on a show like Married At First Sight?

I can say that, hands down, I would not have the courage to be as raw and vulnerable as our participants. I really admire them. I couldn’t do it. Doing the show has taught me where my own privacy levels sit.

So how did you meet your husband, Gareth?

I was single for my entire thirties. I wasn’t interested in anyone. I was busy travelling the world, working overseas, I was all about building my business and just living a great life. And so we were both nearly 40 when we met, and he just turned my world upside down. I was not expecting that! We met on [dating website] eharmony. He’s from Whitehead in Northern Ireland, but he was living in Adelaide, and I was in Melbourne. We did long distance for six weeks, which was really pivotal in the success of our relationship, because we didn’t physically meet for those six weeks, but we were communicating every day. And it was mostly email and next – I couldn’t talk to him on the phone at first, because I couldn’t understand his accent!

Ha ha! What difference did not meeting in person make to the success of the relationship?

It was almost like a throwback to that retro style of dating, where it was a phone call, but more instant with texting and social media. But I felt like that was a great way to build a solid foundation for a relationship before you complicate it with chemistry and sex. Once we got together, it was very quick.

It sounds like, all of a sudden, in your late thirties, you thought, “Hang on, maybe I do want marriage and a family life after all.”

Yeah, I think I forgot to get married! I still didn’t know if I wanted to have a baby or not, and we started doing this dance where he was ready and I wasn’t, and then I was ready and he wasn’t. And eventually we met at that same point at the age of 40, when it was, “OK, let’s do it.” So I just – bang! – got pregnant, like within 10 minutes. That pregnancy lasted for 12 weeks and I had a miscarriage. It was difficult and we both experienced a lot of grief with that, and I still think about it. It’s certainly a very, very tough experience. But what it did for us is make us absolutely rock solid, so clear, that this was what we wanted. It gave us clarity.

We’re so sorry to hear about the miscarriage. What did you do next?

So then, at the age of 40, for the next 12 months, we were having conception sex – not very sexy, with your legs up the wall and hanging upside down afterwards [to improve your chances of conceiving]. But we did it, because we’re troupers, and nothing worked, because by this point the doctor was saying that only one in five of my eggs would be a good egg. So, you know, the law of probability was against us. So we went down the IVF path, which was very successful for us. Maddie was one of the little eggs that was frozen for six weeks, then they popped her inside of me and boom, here she is. I had her when I was 42.

How has motherhood changed your life?

What an adventure it’s been! One of the benefits of being older parents is we had both travelled a lot, done loads of living and achieved lots of things. And so we both came into parenthood saying, “We’re not necessarily going to adapt our lives to become parents. We’re going to adapt our child to our adventurous life.” And she has taken it on with such gusto. I mean, she is probably one of the most adaptable people I’ve ever met. We live in Melbourne now, but Gareth’s business was online and we realised that as long as I could fly to Sydney to film Married At First Sight, we could live anywhere. So we went on a holiday to Bali, and loved it so much we went back to live there for two and a half years, until recently.

What’s your professional background that makes you suited to being MAFS’s relationship expert?

I was a psychologist for 20 years, and then I moved on and I’m no longer registered. Now I’m a practising life coach and work very much with women in the confidence space, usually women in their late thirties. My speciality is working with women to help them build courage and confidence, particularly post-pandemic.

Do women in their late thirties interest you because of your own experience of not settling down until later?

Absolutely. I feel like I made lots of mistakes so my clients don’t have to, and I’ve got some really good shortcuts. I’m writing a book, and I’m creating an online programme for women. You know, it’s funny, you mentioned the C-word. I’ve reclaimed the C-word and it’s the name of my programme, only now it stands for confidence and courage. When I’m working one-on-one with women, it’s all about confidence.

So, your latest move to the UK with your family – could it be permanent?

I’m excited to be here. My grandmother was born here, and obviously it’s very close to and connected with Gareth
and his family in Northern Ireland, and I’ve got a lot of English friends. We’re looking at setting up a kind of a bi continental lifestyle for the next five years or so. I’ll go back for season nine of MAFS Australia, but I do feel really at home here, too. I certainly have a lot of career prospects here in the UK and Australia.

Why has MAFS Australia been a hit?

Being in lockdown gave an incredible opportunity for UK viewers to have this escapism and to not only get to look at beautiful Australian sunshine, but also to just get a little bit lost in the love stories, the dynamics and the complicated relationships. It was a really nice antidote to some of the Covid blues.

How did us Brits welcome you?

I got so much love, it was beautiful. When I was back in Australia, I could tell which episode was airing in the
UK by the responses I was getting. I’ve been welcomed with such open arms here in the UK, and I love that.

Married at First Sight UK is coming soon to E4.

Source: Read Full Article

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