Matt Roloff: Im Doing It! Im Selling (Some of) The Farm!

Someone is about to buy the farm.

Not in a figurative sense. Not in the sense of the long-time idiom that translates into passing away.

No, we mean this literally:

Matt Roloff has put the property he’s owned for decades in Oregon up for sale — or at least a portion of it.

On Thursday afternoon, the father of four took Facebook followers by some surprise when he wrote the following:

Well the cats out of the bag.  I want to make sure You all hear the big news directly from me.. All of @rolofffarms has brought me and our family great joy for the past 30+ years!

Today 16 acres of the farms 109 acres go up for sale including our original family home and bright red barn. It’s a tiny bit scary but mostly exciting.

Its time to move toward the next season of life.

According to local real estate reports, thhese 16 acres are on the market for $4 million.

As Little People, Big World viewers know well, Roloff Farms is located in Hillsboro, Oregon and has been a top tourist attraction in the area for years, especially during pumpkin season.

Back in June 2019, about three years after their divorce, Amy Roloff sold her share of the farm to her ex-husband for $667,000.

She has since moved about 15 minutes away from her previous home, while rumors have swirled ever since that Matt may move to Arizona with girlfriend Caryn Chandler, retiring from his career on the farm.

In a preview for new episodes of this reality show, Matt actually clashes with son Zach over the future of this property.

“When Zach and I finally sat down, we were really in very different camps about what kind of a deal could go on,” Matt says in a confessional on the May 17 premiere, courtesy of this sneak peek.

Citing negotiations that evidently didn’t go well, Matt adds in the clip:

“Zach came in real hot. He didn’t come in to negotiate. He came in to demand.”

As for Zach’s stance on the controversial topic?

“He’s looking for a situation that he can control,” Zach says of his dad. “You’re not dictating the terms here. You’ve dictated too much for too long.”

Wow. Zach sounds unusually angry and bitter, doesn’t he?

“I feel sad, I feel confused,” Chandler says on this same premiere, referring to the issues between Matt and Zach. “I don’t know why they’re so mad. It feels very personal.”

We can’t say exactly when this episode was filmed, probably several months ago.

We do know for certain, though, that Zach and wife Tori moved late last year to Washington… so it’s safe to assume they won’t be making an offer on the farm.

Will any Roloff family member?

It seems unlikely.

Little People, Big World returns on Tuesday, May 17.

Here is a press release teasing what can can expect…

The Roloffs face big changes and challenging times as a rift in the family causes an unexpected divide that sparks the beginning of a new and very different chapter.

Amy and Matt continue to find friendship in unexpected ways as the two, along with Chris and Caryn, spend more time together and even share a trip to Arizona.

Meanwhile, tensions arise from a heated farm negotiation between Zach, Tori, Matt and Caryn.

When the negotiations fall through, Zach and Tori decide to move and make their new home away from the farm while also expecting their third child.

And in the midst of everything, Matt makes a decision that could change the farm – and the family – forever.

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