Megan Thee Stallion: ‘Everybody has gone through their own trauma in their own way’

It was Meg Monday over at the The Cut. In addition to Meghan of Montecito, they published an in-depth profile of/interview with Megan Thee Stallion. They talk about a lot, ranging from her family background and early career, the making of her new album, the shooting (briefly) and label lawsuit, her image, her accomplishments and the future of her career. Megan is quoted throughout and her perspective really shines through. She’s so interesting, I didn’t want the feature to end. Some highlights:

On trauma and her new album, Traumazine: Megan has defined the album’s title as “the chemical released in the brain when it is forced to deal with painful emotions caused by traumatic events and experiences.” But the word isn’t hers alone, she says. “Everybody has gone through their own trauma in their own way, and to me, Traumazine is me facing the things that I’ve been running from about myself.” She thinks the album can help others do it too: “It’s comforting to know that other people are going through the same thing that you might be feeling.”

On activism: Most recently, she stood in vocal opposition to abortion restrictions in the United States, making a powerful statement during her performance at the Glastonbury Festival in England and rapping in one of her newest songs, “Gift & a Curse.” Megan has provided housing assistance to a senior citizen, a scholarship to a college student, and funding to a cancer survivor for care, all in Houston through her Pete and Thomas Foundation, which she launched in early 2022. On Mother’s Day, the foundation delivered care packages to a local women’s shelter.

On fashion and a future line: From the time she arrived on the scene, Megan has exhibited an affinity for bodysuits, crop tops, dramatic slits, looks that exude sensuality and strategic exposure. “I like to dress up,” she says, “It’s the personality that the person brought to the clothes that really made the statement. That’s why y’all remember this outfit — because of what I brought to it, not because of what it brought to me.” Are we at some point going to see a House of MEG? Is her own fashion line coming? She demurs but doesn’t deny.

On her acting career: She finally landed her breakout role this year, guest-starring as her alter ego Tina Snow on Starz’s P-Valley. Megan auditioned for P-Valley before the world knew her as Megan Thee Stallion. For now, she has been cast in Marvel’s She-Hulk and A24’s musical comedy F-cking Identical Twins. She says she would love to star in a Bring It On reboot in which she steps into Gabrielle Union’s Clovers cheer uniform as Isis: “I always have wanted to be Isis. I would be perfect for that. If they were ever to make a new Bring It On, I should be that character.”

[From The Cut]

Megan’s had a rough time of it. The writer points out and Megan touches upon the fact that both her parents and grandmother passed away within the last ~12 years, and so she’s pretty much alone. It sounds like she was close to her family and it is, of course, hard for her to be without them. That in itself is traumatic, but coupled with the shooting, her treatment afterward, and her treatment by her label — it’s trauma upon trauma. At another point, Megan mentions that this is her most open album and she doesn’t usually like people in her business and honestly, who can blame her after everything that’s happened over the past two years? People got in her business and then treated her terribly for telling her truth. As if we should just be strong at all times, stay silent, and not react to things that affect and hurt us. I hope things work out in her favor in regard to both the shooting and her label.

Throughout the piece, I was stuck by Meg’s introspection, self-awareness, and passion. Sometimes these celebrity profiles are a study in shallow self-absorption and/or you get the sense that the celebrity is just along for the ride. But it seems like Megan is driving her own career and has a very clear set of ideas/goals, as evidenced by the making of her latest album and her ideas for future ventures. Other thoughts: The celeb beauty/skincare market is oversaturated, so a Stallion fashion line would be cool. I love that she was on P-Valley and didn’t know that she auditioned for such a big role originally, but I guess it’s better she didn’t get it so she has time for other Meg things. And I would love if they rebooted Bring it On with Megan as Isis. The article also namechecks her boyfriend, a songwriter called Pardi Fontaine.

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