One thing is clear: The Sussexes were dying to show us their wedding photos

Watching Netflix’s Harry & Meghan, several things are perfectly clear about the Sussexes: they love documenting their lives, and they’ve been dying to show us a lot of their photos. That was especially clear during the fourth episode, which covered their 2018 wedding. At the time, we obviously got tons of official photos from the ceremony at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor, but we didn’t get many behind-the-scenes photos from the reception or the big blowout party. Meghan and Harry have wanted to show us those pics for years!! It’s worth noting (although the Sussexes didn’t say this) that Prince William and Kate did attend the reception right after the wedding, as did most of the royal family. But the evening party? William and Kate skipped it. I think only Charles was there, and he probably left early. The party was where they got to hang with their friends and dance. Meghan of course spoke glowingly about how perfect that day was. Some quotes:

Meghan on her serenity: “On the day of our wedding, it’s like I went into a really calm space. I don’t know how I was so calm. I look back at that: How was I so calm? And all I wanted was a mimosa, a croissant. And to play the song ‘Going to the Chapel.’ Oh, that’s what I did. And it was great.”

Meghan on Charles: Meghan added that King Charles also played a key role in preparing for the ceremony, even helping them choose an orchestra. “Him, as my father-in-law, was important to me,” Meghan said, as she recalled how Charles stepped in to walk her halfway down the aisle. Meghan also described her father as becoming “lost” in the weeks before the wedding when he staged paparazzi photos with a British tabloid.

Harry on the wedding: “As far as I’m concerned it was just the two of us,” he said. Regarding the wedding itself, Harry reflected, “There was an expectation, right? Diana’s boy It was an expectation to have a public wedding. It was like, ‘Mission complete with William. Now let’s see if this goes the distance with Harry and then we can actually go, “Job done”.’ “

[From People]

I remember how chaotic everything was in the days leading up to the wedding, with all of the bullsh-t with Thomas Markle, who had faked a heart attack and then gave several interviews to TMZ. Meghan was reportedly in tears at the rehearsal. But on the day, she did seem very calm. In the Netflix series, Meghan and Harry basically treated William and Kate as nonentities during the wedding conversation – while William and Harry walked to the chapel together (and they showed footage of that), there was barely any mention of, like, William telling Harry not to move so fast with Meghan or Kate making Meghan cry at the dress fitting.

Photos courtesy of Netflix’s ‘Harry & Meghan’.

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