Palace fears what Meghan will say next after podcast launch, says Omid Scobie

Meghan Markle’s friend and royal biographer Omid Scobie says that aides are “not keeping clam or carrying on” after the debut of her new podcast, Archetypes.

Admitting Buckingham Palace are “worried”, Omid said: “I’m told Buckingham Palace aides were most definitely not keeping calm, nor carrying on after the show’s premiere on Tuesday, worried about what else might be shared over the next 12 weeks.”

The first episode of the podcast, which is in partnership with Spotify, saw Meghan share the shocking story of a time when son Archie's nursery room caught fire.

The Duchess of Sussex, 41, recounted how her son Archie, who she shares with husband Prince Harry, narrowly escaped a fire in his bedroom where he was supposed to be sleeping during the Sussexes’ tour of South Africa in autumn 2019.

Archie’s then nanny, named only as Lauren, had taken the four and a half month old with her downstairs instead while she went to get a snack when, meanwhile, the heater in the nursery caught fire.

Meghan said: “In that amount of time that she went downstairs, the heater in the nursery caught on fire. There was no smoke detector. Someone happened to just smell smoke down the hallway, went in, fire extinguished. He was supposed to be sleeping in there.”

The former actress went on to claim she was then made to go and carry out another engagement despite the incident.

The former Suits star told how they had dropped their young son at the housing unit they were staying in for a sleep straight after arriving on their official tour, with Meghan and the Duke of Sussex leaving to carry out a visit to the Nyanga township, where the Duchess delivered a speech.

“There was this moment where I’m standing on a tree stump and I’m giving this speech to women and girls, and we finish the engagement, we get in the car and they say there’s been a fire at the residence.

"What? There’s been a fire in the baby’s room,” she said.

Meghan added: “We came back. And, of course, as a mother, you go, ‘Oh, my God, what?’ Everyone’s in tears, everyone’s shaken. And what do we have to do? Go out and do another official engagement? I said, ‘This doesn’t make any sense’.”

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Pal Omid says Meghan’s recollection of the events has rattled royal aides.

He continues: “Two royal aides have already pushed back on Meghan's 'precise recollection' of events in South Africa – one told a tabloid that it was a smoking heater, not a fire (does it matter?) and another claimed it is 'unfair' to share such stories when the Royal Household cannot comment.”

Tennis legend Serena Williams appeared in the first episode of the Spotify series, and there are plenty more stars to come with singer Mariah Carey and actress Mindy Kaling all due to feature on future episodes.


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