“Peter Green – The Albatross Man,” a new book chronicling the life and career” of the late guitarist, will feature two previously unreleased versions of Fleetwood Mac classics.
The first track is a new version of recently discovered Green song “Need Your Love So Bad,” recorded in the ’60s, featuring Pink Floyd‘s David Gilmour on guitar.
The second song is a new recording of Fleetwood Mac’s “Man of the World,” in which Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett plays Green’s famous Greeny guitar.
Rufus Publications will publish “Peter Green – The Albatross Man,” in October.
Green worked on “a huge, illustrated visual book of his life and career” for three years prior to his death in July 2020, the book’s publisher said in a statement.
“Mark Smith at Rufus has been travelling down to Canvey Island on a regular basis to talk to Peter about his life, look through his personal archive and discuss his love for fishing, drawing and listening to a wide range of music on a daily basis,” the publisher added.
The statement continued, “During this time a book of rare images, memorabilia, lyrics and notes from his time in Fleetwood Mac has been assembled with Peter having full control over the books direction and details.”
(Photo: Rufus Publications)
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