Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Have Been Evicted From Frogmore Cottage

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have officially lost the keys to their former royal accommodations. On March 1, a spokesperson for the couple told POPSUGAR that “we can confirm The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been requested to vacate their residence at Frogmore Cottage.” Reps for Buckingham Palace did not immediately respond to POPSUGAR’s request for comment.

According to the BBC, which cited The Sun, the pair received an eviction notice from Buckingham Palace alerting them that they had lost their UK home, Frogmore Cottage, days after the publication of Harry’s incendiary memoir, “Spare.” The outlet also reported that the cottage has since been offered to Prince Andrew. Additionally, The Sun reported that King Charles III spearheaded the decision to oust Harry and Markle from their former residence.

Harry and Markle were originally gifted Frogmore Cottage by the late Queen Elizabeth II after their wedding in 2018. After spending 2.4 million pounds of taxpayer money on renovations, the pair spent six months there before they made the decision to step back from their positions as senior royals. Harry later paid back the 2.4 million pounds in full, per the BBC.

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