Quiz: Guess the year these photos of King Charles III were taken

How well do you think you know King Charles III?

Well it's time to put that to the test with our fun picture quiz! Below are a series of photographs snapped throughout Charles's life – and we want you to guess what year they were taken in.

His Majesty is, of course, no stranger to the camera lens, having been in the global spotlight since his birth in 1948.

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And all eyes will be on him this Saturday for the coronation, so what better way to get into the spirit of the occasion than by taking a little trip down memory lane?

Our fun quiz below offers a collection of historical images – but what year were they taken? Simply use the slider to make your choice.

Points are awarded for how close you get to the right answer. So you get a full ten for being spot on (well done!) nine for being a single year out (unlucky), eight for two, seven for three, and so on until you get to a decade wide of the mark.

Click here if you can't see the game

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