Scotlands First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is resigning, shes had enough

I don’t follow the ins and outs of Scotland’s political system, but Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon always struck me as a no-nonsense, common-sense leader who fought hard to protect Scotland and Scottish people. She’s been critical of the revolving door of Tory leaders in Downing Street, she’s been cautiously optimistic about Scottish independence, and she’s also been critical of the British royal family at times, especially during the pandemic and especially after QEII’s passing. I genuinely believed that Sturgeon would end up as the first Prime Minister of an independent Scotland. But it looks like that won’t be happening – Sturgeon is resigning as First Minister.

Nicola Sturgeon is to resign as Scotland’s first minister after more than eight years in the role. The Scottish National Party leader is expected to make the announcement at a hastily-arranged news conference in Edinburgh. It is not thought that her departure will be immediate, allowing time for a successor to be elected.

A source close to Ms Sturgeon – the longest-serving first minister – told the BBC that she had “had enough”.

Former SNP MP Stephen Gethins said he was “surprised… and disappointed” by the news.

“Nicola Sturgeon is someone who has led with distinction,” he said. Mr Gethins said it was a “hard, stressful job” and that there would be “big shoes to fill”.

SNP MP Stewart McDonald described the first minister as “the finest public servant of the devolution age”. Alison Thewliss, the SNP MP for Glasgow Central, said she was “absolutely gutted” and described Ms Sturgeon as “an incredible leader”.

Ms Sturgeon has been a member of the Scottish Parliament since 1999, and became the deputy leader of the SNP in 2004. She has been first minister since November 2014, when she took over from Alex Salmond after the defeat in the independence referendum.

[From BBC]

She’s retiring because she’s “had enough.” Well… I certainly understand, although I wish she had stuck with it a bit longer. She seems like a very effective and well-liked leader and she’ll probably be very hard to replace. Now, is this about Scexit? Or is it about Scotland’s attempts to make it easier for trans people to exist and have rights, only to see those attempts blocked by the English Tories? Or does Sturgeon just NOT want to go to the coronation?

Update: Here’s her resignation speech.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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