Stacey Dash Got Absolutely Roasted for Political Reversal: 'You Are NOT Invited Back to the Cookout'

The “Clueless” star and former Fox News host walked back her support of Trump and said she’s quitting politics

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Stacey Dash has reversed her stance on Donald Trump and is stepping away from politics. The “Clueless” star and former Fox News host issued an official apology for her past offensive comments on Wednesday in an interview with DailyMailTV — but no one on Twitter is buying it.

Dash immediately started trending after her apology, in which she admitted “I’ve lived my life being angry, which is what I was on Fox News. I was the angry, conservative Black woman and at that time in my life, it was who I was. I realized in 2016 that anger is unsustainable and it will destroy you. I made a lot of mistakes because of that anger.”

Dash added “There are things that I am sorry for. Things that I did say, that I should not have said them the way I said them. They were very arrogant and prideful and angry. And that’s who Stacey was, but that’s not who Stacey is now. Stacey’s someone who has compassion, empathy.”

Reactions to her words were…lukewarm at best. For the most part, no one was having it.

Others took the moment to point out why exactly Dash may be apologizing for real.

But for some, the easiest way to express their denial of her apology was through clips of moments in pop culture, from Kris Kardashian to Whoopi Goldberg.

Check out more reactions below:

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