Tamika Mallory Says Activists Can't Ease Up After Chauvin Conviction

Tamika Mallory is urging activists and allies in the fight for social justice to keep their eyes on the prize in the wake of Derek Chauvin‘s conviction for murdering George Floyd.

The Until Freedom founder, who’s led and organized countless protests in the last year, joined us Friday on “TMZ Live,” and admitted she’s worried protestors will take a collective breather after the Chauvin trial … as some might feel the movement’s crossed the finish line.

Tamika tells us that’s exactly why she keeps reminding folks now is NOT the time to let up.

The way Tamika sees it … the Chauvin trial was one small form of accountability for law enforcement, but adds folks can’t fall into the trap of believing it guarantees justice in all the police-involved killings we’ve seen since Floyd.

The one-year anniversary of Floyd’s death is fast approaching in 11 days … and Tamika says the one thing activists and demonstrators cannot do is become complacent. That’s one of the messages in her new book, “State of Emergency: How We Win in the Country We Built.”

In this clip, she lays out part of her game plan for victory. You can see the full interview on Friday’s “TMZ Live” (check your local listings).

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