Richard Lindheim, the co-creator of the 1985 series The Equalizer, has sadly passed away at 81.
Lindheim died of heart failure on Monday (January 18) at the age of 81, according to Deadline.
After creating the hit series The Equalizer in the 80s, Lindheim became a television executive, working at such companies as Paramount, NBC, and Universal Studios. He was serving as an executive producer on CBS’ upcoming reboot of The Equalizer, starring Queen Latifah. The show is premiering on February 7 after the Super Bowl.
“He was watching dailies of The Equalizer til the last day; he was so excited to see the show go into production and was ready to tune in and watch the premiere,” Lindheim’s son-in-law Ezra Dweck said.
We’re sending our thoughts and condolences to Richard‘s loved ones during this difficult time.
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