The Secret Service knew of specific threats against Nancy Pelosi before Jan. 6th

On January 6th, 2021, Congress gathered that morning in the Capitol Building to begin the process of counting the electoral votes in the presidential election and affirming that Joe Biden won. Donald Trump had tried to convince Mike Pence to somehow use his position as president of the Senate to somehow disrupt the proceedings and overturn democracy. Pence refused. Trump and his terrorist supporters attacked the Capitol in the middle of the congressional process. The Capitol Police and security which was already on-site within the Capitol quickly moved VP Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and high-ranking members of Congress to various safe rooms. There’s even footage of Speaker Pelosi being whisked off the floor by security. Well, here’s a horrifying addendum: the Secret Service was well aware of specific threats against Speaker Pelosi for days before January 6th, and the Secret Service didn’t tell her or warn Capitol Police. They didn’t even notify Speaker Pelosi’s team until 5:55 pm on January 6th. From a report from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington:

The Secret Service knew of a threat to Nancy Pelosi on January 6th days before the insurrection, but did not pass it along until hours after the Capitol had been breached, according to Secret Service emails obtained by CREW.

On January 4, Secret Service agents discovered a Parler account, which we’ve chosen not to name, posting a series of violent threats towards lawmakers. Other profiles with the same name appeared on Twitter, MeWe, Bitchute, Youtube and Facebook.

On December 31, the account posted, “January 6 starts #1776 all over again…Fight for EVERYTHING” and listed “Enemies,” including Pelosi.

At 5:55 pm on January 6, after hours of defending the United States Capitol from a violent mob, the United States Capitol Police received the post along with a message from the Secret Service: “Good afternoon, The US Secret Service is passing notification to the US Capitol Police regarding discovery of a social media threat directed toward Speaker Nancy Pelosi.”

The language used by the account, as we’ve now seen repeated in recordings released by the January 6th Committee, is a clear call for a violent overthrow of the American government on January 6, 2021.

It was far from the only troubling post the Secret Service found tied to this account. A Twitter post from the same day as the threat against Pelosi listed, “TIPS FOR THE BRAVE AND COURAGEOUS PATRIOTS GOING TO DC TO FORCE CONGRESS TO REFUSE BIDEN’S RIGGED ELECTION.” The “tips” included warnings such as “Keep MAGA gear hidden until AFTER checking in” at hotels, “DC is very BLUE and a hotbed for ANTIFA/BLM. Stay with the large group, especially at night,” and “be wary” of DC police officers.

As January 6 loomed, the threats got more specific. “Biden will die shortly after being elected,” the account posted on January 2nd. “Patriots are gonna tear his head off. Prison is his best case scenario. We’re all on a mission to save America. Lone wolf attacks are the way to go,” read a post the following day. “Stay anonymous. Stay alive. Guns up Patriots!!”

In the past month, we’ve learned that the Secret Service failed to prepare for violence on January 6 despite receiving explicit warnings, then deleted key evidence from the day, likely breaking the law. The delay in notifying Capitol Police about the threat to the Speaker of the House only adds to the impression that the agency failed to do its job, and leads to more questions. Why did the agency wait two days, until after the Capitol had been breached and Congressional leaders were in hiding to pass it along?

[From CREW]

It’s not that the Secret Service completely ignored the threats, it’s that they sat on the threats for days and only issued the alert to Pelosi’s team on the evening of January 6th?? Yes, the Secret Service was/is completely corrupted, through and through. I wonder if there were gleeful conversations between Secret Service officials about how those MAGA terrorists were going to assassinate congressional leaders. Perhaps that’s another reason why the Secret Service erased all of those texts.

Something else I always found remarkable is that after the terrorists were pushed out of the Capitol, Speaker Pelosi and VP Pence immediately went back to the floor and certified the election results with MAGA sh-t still smeared on the walls of the Capitol. Then Pelosi contacted the Joint Chiefs AND she started another impeachment process.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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