On her initial appearance on 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days, Varya Malina had a lot of sympathy from fans.
She was put through the wringer on screen and got a nasty shock when her boyfriend immediately shacked up with another woman.
Unfortunately, Varya has supported Geoffrey Paschel through and even after his recent conviction.
What will she do now that he’s behind bars where he belongs? Join the National Guard, apparently.
“I have an important update,” Varya Malina announced on Instagram this week.
“I’m going to join the US National Guard,” she revealed.
For some reason, this was how she decided to break the news:
“You probably didn’t expect this,” Varya admitted in her caption.
“But,” she confessed, “neither did I.”
“Life is very unpredictable…” Varya remarked as if that were some sort of explanation.
“Who has been there?” Varya asked her followers.
She invited anyone with boot camp experience to “please welcome to my comments.”
“I want to hear some tips on how to survive in a boot camp,” Varya concluded.
Naturally, one commenter asked what the entire world was thinking: “Why?”
“Good question,” Varya began.
“The answer will be long,” she teased, providing no further explanation.
Natalie Mordovtseva is known to be friends with Varya — a friendship that has led her down a dark path, unfortunately.
She of course showed Varya her support.
In turn, Varya showed her appreciation.
Interestingly, there are a number of requirements for joining the National Guard.
One of them is that one either be a United States citizens or legally recognized as a permenent resident.
In other words, this is confirmation that Varya got her Green Card … even though she has never directly confirmed this.
How did she attain her permanent legal residency?
Simple: she almost certainly married Geoffrey Paschel, something that we would not wish upon our worst enemies.
Geoffrey is of course behind bars right now, awaiting his sentencing next month.
Geoffrey was convicted of brutal domestic assault and kidnapping after he beat an ex-fiancee and held her captive in her own home.
Though he was found guilty just a little over a month ago, the brutal attack took place in June of 2019.
Yes, you did that math correctly — it was likely just weeks before he flew out to meet Varya while filming for 90 Day Fiance.
Geoffrey’s ex-fiancee Kristin Wilson courageously testified against him in court, where her injuries were shown to the jury.
She was not the first woman to accuse him of unthinkable domestic violence.
But unlike various other exes including two ex-wives, she was able to press charges and see him convicted for his evil deeds.
Through her friendship with Varya, Natalie chose to voice support for Geoffrey, expressing sadness at his conviction.
This was a shock to many fans — particularly to some of Natalie’s fans, who felt that Mike Youngquist mistreated her during their engagement and marriage.
(To clarify, we here at THG would never compare Mike to Geoffrey, and found fault with both Mike and Natalie in their toxic relationship, but not all fans agree)
That support for Geoffrey cost Natalie a chunk of her remaining fans, and just weeks before the Season 2 premiere of The Single Life.
Geoffrey will be sentenced on December 3, and fans of the franchise (and, you know, of justice) hope that he will spend many years in prison.
It’s no surprise that Varya is looking for something to do, something that might cement her legal residency status, but … no one really expected the National Guard.
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