Wait, Did Donald Trump Really Get Banned From Pornhub Too?!

Donald Trump has been banned from just about every single social networking website and app in the English-speaking world, it seems. (Well, except for Parler! LOLz!)

But even we were shocked to see this jaw-dropping piece of (rumored) news come across our desk: the President has reportedly been banned from Pornhub, too?! REALLY??

Soooo…. no. Not exactly. Womp, womp.

While the idea of Pornhub banning The Donald is f**king hilarious and perfectly topical for our times, it appears to be a hoax — or “Fake News” as our disgraced President might say.

It all started late Friday night when an account named “Pornhub Updates” tweeted this official-looking message about The Donald supposedly getting axed from being able to use the free s*x site from here on out:

As you can see, the tweet did numbers, reaching more than 350,000 likes by Monday morning. But as you can also see, the “Pornhub Updates” account is unverified and far from an official source, appearing far more likely to be a readily discovered parody account than anything else.

Besides, it’s not exactly clear how a free website with no paywall limitations might ban a person permanently from visiting, ya know?! Sure, you can ban IP addresses, but if Trump were to come across somebody else’s phone, or a different computer, or… Well, forget it, point is it doesn’t matter because as fas as we can tell the President is not banned from one of the world’s foremost purveyors of slut. Alas, what could have been!

The reason the rumor works so well, of course, is because of Trump’s ummmmm less-than-stellar reputation as far as s*x and women and all that stuff is concerned. And almost simultaneously over the weekend, another (false) rumor was going around regarding Trump’s supposed digital removal from his legendary cameo appearance in Home Alone 2.

We can put that rumor to bed, too.

Stick to the facts, y’all! Trump is easy enough to criticize and call out just based on things he’s actually done. Let’s not go and make up stuff about this buffoon, too. Just saying!

What do y’all think about the supposed Pornhub ban? And more seriously, what do U think about the very real Facebook and Twitter bans he’s now facing?! Can the tech companies really slow down his unique, terrifying band of Fascism??

Sound off with your take about all this down in the comments (below)…

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