Wladimir Klitschko and his brother Vitali, the mayor of Kyiv, are fighting for Ukraine

As we hear stories from the front line in Ukraine, the absolute bravery of the people is astounding. Citizens are taking up arms to defend themselves against the occupying Russian forces. Their fearless President, Volodymyr Zelensky, has refused offers to evacuate and is on the ground defending his country’s independence with his entire cabinet.

Boxing great Vitali Klitschko, 50, is a former WBC world heavyweight champion and has been the mayor of Kyiv since 2014. His brother, Wladimir, 45, is also a former world heavyweight champion with countless titles. Wladimir is bit more known in the US as he was engaged to Hayden Panettiere and has a seven-year-old daughter with her, Kaya. (Kaya is safe and not in Ukraine now.) Both brothers hold PhDs. Vitali is on the ground defending his city and his brother Wladimir has announced that he has joined him and is encouraging much needed regime change in Russia. He also recorded a video, above, encouraging the world to help stop the war before it’s too late. Here’s part of what Wladimir wrote, and there’s more at the source.

The Ukrainian people are strong. And it will remain true to itself in this terrible ordeal. A people longing for sovereignty and peace. A people who consider the Russian people their brothers. It knows that they basically do not want this war. The Ukrainian people have chosen democracy. But: Democracy is a fragile regime. Democracy cannot defend itself; it needs the will of the citizens, the commitment of everyone. Basically, there is no democracy without democrats.

Here, we will defend ourselves with all our might and fight for freedom and democracy. You can also act. Let not fear seize us; let’s not remain frozen. Putin shoots at Ukrainian cities, but he aims at our hearts and, more importantly, at our minds. He wants to create doubt and confusion and thus inaction.

You can do something by mobilizing and organizing huge demonstrations. Make your voice heard. Make the voice of democracy heard. Say it loud and clear that international law and democracy are under attack, that war is the greatest evil and that life is sacred. Also say that while solidarity is good, support is better. Say that the march of imperialism must be stopped now. After all, whose turn will it be after Ukraine?

This war against my country is not only the result of one man’s madness, but also the result of years of weakness in Western democracies. This madness must be stopped now by stepping up deterrents. Our governments need to say things loud and clear. If Putin goes ahead with his plan for a change of regime in Kyiv, then democracies around the world must now start thinking about a change of regime in Moscow. Before it is too late.

[From Linkedin via JJ]

Kyiv’s mayor Vitali did an interview with the AP on Sunday stating that Kyiv was surrounded and that civilians could not be evacuated. His spokesperson later tweeted that was not the case. It is hoped that planned talks between Putin and Ukrainian President Zelensky will lead to a ceasefire.

This is bravery, determination and democracy. These brothers, and all the people of Ukraine, have the world behind them and the world as witness. Our hearts and thoughts go out to the people of Ukraine. We pray for their success and sovereignty with the least amount of casualties possible.

Wladimir has recorded another video asking that Russians not shed their brothers’ blood.

— Len Whalen (@LenWhalenX) February 27, 2022

— Elizabeth Campbell (@ECampbell360) February 26, 2022

Whatever happens next, don’t ever let your children forget what happened here.

Kyiv fought back.

— Oz Katerji (@OzKaterji) February 26, 2022

Straight after their wedding, they both joined the local Territorial Defense Center to help efforts to defend the country.

🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/RSxiiQ02Zq

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) February 25, 2022

— MommaRants with the Gazpacho Police (@DemocratMama) February 26, 2022


Source: Read Full Article

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