‘Alien’ monolith appears in ancient holy temple site in Turkey months after originals

Turkey: Monolith appears at UNESCO World Heritage site

In late November, authorities found a shiny metal monolith in the middle of the Utah desert. Following the first discovery, monoliths appeared in Romania, Spain, Netherlands, California, and even the Isle of Wight. Artists began taking credit for the monoliths, but conspiracy theorists’ tongues are wagging once again after a new monolith appeared in Turkey.

A metal pillar roughly three metres (9.8 foot) tall and one metre (3.2 foot) wide has shown up in Gobeklitepe, home to the world’s oldest temple site, in Sanliurfa province.

The metal slab has an inscription on it Gokturk, the Old Turkic script, which reads: “Look at the sky if you want to see the Moon.”

While it is unclear who placed the object there, it is currently being guarded by armed soldiers while it is under investigation.

Alien enthusiasts have been quick to point the finger at something of extraterrestrial origin.

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Scott C Waring, who runs the page UFO Sightings Daily, said: “A monolith was discovered in an ancient 12,000 years old archaeological site that was once the site of a holy temple.

“The object is seen in the video surrounded by four poles with warning tape wrapped around it to keep people from touching the object.

“But the most bewildering thing of all is that there is Turkish military soldiers holding assault rifles guarding the monolith.

“Now if this was just art, there would be no soldiers. The only reasons that the Turkish government would send soldiers is if they thought this object could actually be an alien relic that landed in this location.

“They see the monolith as a possible alien artefact and that if it falls into the wrong hands, it could pose a risk to Turkish national security.

“So they protect it until its looked at by scientific experts and a they settle on what this unknown artefact really is.”

Şanlıurfa Governor Abdullah Erdin refused to give any information, saying a scientific investigation is underway.

He told reporters: “There is no information I can give you right now. The experts who are competent are doing their examination.

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“An explanation will be made about what the object is in a short time.”

While alien hunters are excited by the discovery, the monolith was more than likely placed there by artists or copycats of the original Utah monolith creators – an art collective known as The Most Famous Artist.

The group’s founder, Matty Mo, said the monoliths in the US were planted to cheer everyone up after a miserable year.

Mr Mo told Mashable last year: “What better way to end this year than let the world briefly think aliens made contact only to be disappointed that it’s just The Most Famous Artist playing tricks again.

“I can say we are well known for stunts of this nature and at this time we are offering authentic art objects through monoliths-as-a-service.

“I cannot issue additional images at this time but I can promise more on this in the coming days and weeks.

“We have several interested collectors and expect to close a sale within the week.”

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