Aztec archaeologists make sobering discovery at ritual site uncovered in Mexico

Lost Pyramids of the Aztecs explores the wiping out of the Aztecs

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Excavations were carried out by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH )on a Mexica housing complex at depths of up to 5.2 metres that were found in Tenochtitlan, an ancient Aztec city which is now present-day Mexico city. The structures of the complex made u part of Tezcatzonco, a small neighbourhood of Cuepopan-Tlaquechiuhca – one of the four areas that made up Tenochtitlan.

Within the complex, the researchers found a house with an interior patio where rituals were conducted to mark the start and end of life cycles

Ritualistic finds included an arrangement of 13 incense burners, a vessel with a tripod base, five bowls and a plate.

But the most shocking find was arguably the cremated skeletal remains of what is thought to be an infant, who had deposited in a pot.

The team also found other material evidence like including an omichicahuaztlis (musical instruments made of worked bone), flutes and ocarinas, which suggest that various rituals took place there.

The finds date from the 16th century, possibly between AD 1521 and 1610 after the fall of Tenochtitlan.

Mara Abigaíl Becerra Amezcua, from the INAH, said: “The set of 13 incense burners expresses a particular symbolism since they were arranged on two levels and in two different orientations.

“Some in an east-west direction, and others in a north-south direction, as an evocation of the 20 thirteen that made up the tonalpohualli, the 260-day Mexica ritual calendar.

“It is worth mentioning that number 13 alluded to the levels of the sky.”

Tenochtitlan was situated on the western side of Lake Texcoco.

With the help of an alliance of indigenous tribes and former tributary city-states, Spanish conquistadors sieged Tenochtitlan for 93 days until the Mexica surrendered in AD 1521, marking the beginning of Spanish hegemony in central Mexico.

But the most recent finds are not the only examples of Aztec remains, as many traces of the ancient civilisation can be found sprawled across Mexico City.

One particularly dazzling discovery was when researchers uncovered a giant ancient ball court.

Some historians believe the Aztecs played out a representation of the daily battle between the Sun and the darkness of night inside the ball court.

But others have claimed that the ball court finds revealed chilling evidence of “gruesome human sacrifice, even of children”.

The publication WatchJoJo noted: “There were signs that the sport involved gruesome human sacrifice, even of children.

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“Among the finds of the site were no less than 32 separate racks of male neck bones, the vertebrates were found heaped together, adjacent to the ball court.”

Archaeologist Raul Barerra, said: “It was an offering associated with the ball game just off the stairway.

“The vertebrates or necks surely came from the victims who were sacrificed or decapitated.”

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