Biden slammed as US rocked by triple shortage crisis – drivers, gas and supplies in chaos

Joe Biden labelled 'utterly incoherent' by Sky News host

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Republican Barry Loudermilk took to Twitter in an attempt to shame the Biden Administration for its apparent absence over issues. He slammed Washington for not intervening in the gas crisis that is wreaking havoc in America. With the national average for a gallon of gas is at the highest since 2014, American’s are having to pay more than $5 (£3.65) per gallon of gas in places. The means the average American is paying more than $1 (£0.73) per gallon more than this time last year.

Mr Loudermilk posted: “Gas is the highest it’s been in over SEVEN years. Where is Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm?”

But that is not the only crisis facing the US.

Mr Loudermilk also pointed to the inflation crisis that he believes Mr Biden has let unfold.

He wrote: “Hardworking Americans are paying more for everything as Inflation is the highest it’s been in 13 years. Where is Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen?”

And in the third crisis forming the final piece of the disastrous trio, Mr Loudermilk pointed out that “dozens of cargo ships are currently anchored off California’s coast because the ships in port can’t be unloaded due to a truck driver shortage.”

He asked: “Where is the Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg?”

In the US, supply chains have struggled to keep up with consumer demand due to worker shortages at US ports and COVID-19 restrictions.

A logistics expert who asked to be kept anonymous when speaking to The Daily Mail said: ‘Supply chains are the artery who feeds our entire ecosystem.”

The expert urged the government to take urgent action after keeping silent as the crisis unfolds.

They said: “The government needs to intervene to stop this crisis immediately, or face increased inflation and unemployment, and economic breakdown – or face an end to global trade.”

Now, a record numbers of cargo ships are stuck at ports while consumers face shortages of goods like clothing, electronics, toys, and furniture.

Mr Loudermilk said that the culmination of all these issues is a result of a “leadership crisis” at the hands of President Biden.

He said: “Where is the Presudent on these issues? I would like to ask these questions, but I know what his response would be…..”

And Twitter users agreed.

Dennis Lorio replied: “Just call him Walk Away Joe. It’s what you do when you have no answers.”

Twitter user @TexasRick5 wrote: “Yup he would blame Trump. Biden/Harris have no answers other than making sure Biden and his family have fat wallets!”

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Another user, @JaynaeBishop wrote: “Democrats are responsible for all of these issues.”

But following these comments, Mr Biden has announced measures aimed at putting an end to the supply chain crisis.

Speaking in a press conference today he said: “The port of Los Angeles announced today that it’s going to begin operating 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

“This is the first key step for moving our entire freight transportation and logistical supply chain nationwide to a 24/7 system.”

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