Big Bang erased: ‘Entire chapter’ of universe’s history to be ‘ripped from book’

Universe history will be 'ripped from books in future' says expert

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The leading explanation on how everything began describes how the universe expanded from an initial state of extremely high density and high temperature. Detailed measurements of the expansion rate of the universe place the event at around 13.8 billion years ago, which is considered to be the age of the universe. Based on large quantities of experimental observation and theoretical work, the scientific consensus is that space expanded very rapidly within the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang.

But during a recent episode of Dr Tyson’s StarTalk podcast, the astrophysicist was asked what the impact of this expansion could be.

The question was: “Our own pocket of the universe is expanding, will it exceed the speed of light and, if so, will that mean we will no longer be able to detect anything coming from outside of our universe too?”

Dr Tyson responded: “First of all, that is already the case and as time moves on with the acceleration of the universe, things that used to be within our horizon simply expand faster than the light that they’re sending us can reach us.

“Then they basically disappear beyond the horizon.

“As the universe continues to expand, things that used to nearby, will now find themselves on this extreme limit of the expansion and then disappear beyond the horizons.

“Such that, there will be a day that arrives when our galaxy will merge with the Andromeda galaxy and become one galaxy twice the size.”

The expert went on to explain how the universe was previously observed.

He added: “It will become only us in our pocket of the universe and all other galaxies would have receded beyond our horizon.

“The night sky, as seen from Earth, will contain only stars and nothing else in the universe.

“We would have a universe that people thought it was before Hubble discovered other galaxies.

“There was a time before 1926 when they thought the universe was just stars in the night sky.

“Then we learnt that all the stars are in our galaxies and  there are other island universes.”

But Dr Tyson then sent a warning over how history could repeat itself.

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He explained: “Everything we know about the history and origin of the universe is because we can see these other galaxies.

“But in the distant future when they all recede beyond our horizon, gone is any record of the history of the universe – the Big Bang, the expansion, everything.

“There will be no indicators left to tell us, an entire chapter of the history of the universe ripped from the book.

“Any post-apocalyptic civilisation will say the universe is just the stars in the night sky.”

Source: Read Full Article

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