Boris under pressure as Labour to force vote on scrapping EU VAT after Brexit betrayal

Martin Lewis discusses the April increase in energy bills

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Labour is likely to use an opposition day debate to force a parliamentary vote on scrapping VAT on home energy bills. The party urged the Tories to support the vote in a bid to help “hard-working people face a growing cost of living crisis”.

Mr Johnson faces increasing pressure to fix the energy crisis as fears grow over a £2,000 energy bill for residential homes in April when the price cap is set to rise.

Trade body Energy UK had predicted the sky-high rise could hit squeezed households in April – when changes to the price cap kicks in.

There have been warnings that average households could pay almost £700 or more a year, amid surging prices for wholesale gas worldwide.

The energy crisis has led to some accusing Boris of betraying the Brexit promises he made to scrap the 5 percent EU VAT that Britain no longers needs to pay since leaving the bloc.

Sky News has reported that according to a YouGov poll, 56% of people believe say Boris Johnson should resign.

Previously, both Mr Johnson and ​​ Michael Gove wrote in The Sun during the Brexit campaign: “Fuel bills will be lower for everyone. In 1993, VAT on household energy bills was imposed.

“This makes gas and electricity much more expensive… When we Vote Leave, we will be able to scrap this unfair and damaging tax.”

Recently, Mr Johnson suggested that he will not cut VAT on energy bills because it would help “a lot of people who perhaps don’t need the support” with rising living costs.

Announcing Labour’s proposals, shadow climate change secretary Ed Miliband said: “The government – and all the Tory MPs who have previously backed a VAT cut on home energy bills – should follow through with their promises and vote with Labour today to scrap the tax for a year, as hard-working people face a growing cost of living crisis.

“The Conservatives’ clear opposition to the windfall tax tells you exactly whose side they are on – and it’s not the British people struggling with their energy bills.”

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“It tells you everything you need to know about this government that they believe we should prioritise oil and gas companies making huge windfall profits that they say are ‘struggling’, rather than the British people who face the true struggle to pay their energy bills.

“Labour will stand up for the millions of families across the country, with a package that won’t just help the average household with around £200 off bills, but also targeted and focused support for those who need it most – including low earners, pensioners and the squeezed middle – with up to £600 in total off their bills.”

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