Chemical leftovers from Earth's formation may sit near planet's core

Chemical leftovers from Earth’s formation 4.5 billion years ago may sit near our planet’s core ‘like clumps of flour in the bottom of a bowl of batter’, study claims

  • Seismologists use the passage of seismic waves to plumb the Earth’s interior
  • ‘Ultra-low velocity zones’ are where these waves are slowed down by up to half
  • These zones exist in small patches located just above the core–mantle boundary 
  • University of Utah-led experts iteratively modelled how these might have formed
  • They concluded that some ultra-low velocity zones likely feature internal layers
  • Moreover, these likely arose as a result of the moon-forming planetary impact 

Like ‘clumps of flour in the bottom of a bowl of batter’, chemical leftovers from the formation of the Earth 4.5 billion years ago may reside near the planet’s core.

This is the conclusion of a study led by researchers led from the University of Utah, who studied some of the ‘ultra-low velocity zones’ on the core–mantle boundary.

Geologists use the passage of seismic waves through the Earth to plumb its interior — extrapolating features based on how the waves are reflected and refracted. 

Ultra-low velocity zones are so named because the seismic waves that pass through them slow by up to half, while the density of matter increases by up to a third.

Modelling the formation of some of these zones, the team concluded they represent the denser fractions of a magma ocean that formed after the moon-forming impact.

This material settled to the bottom of the mantle, forming a layered structure. Over time, mantle motion caused this material to be pushed into small patches.

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Like ‘clumps of flour in the bottom of a bowl of batter’, chemical leftovers from the formation of the Earth 4.5 billion years ago may reside near the planet’s core. Pictured: a map of the Earth’s interior, showing the locations of the ultra-low velocity zones (yellow) in question above the outer core, as well as sinking crustal material (blue) and so-called ‘superplumes’ (red)

Geologists use the passage of seismic waves through the Earth to plumb its interior — extrapolating features based on how the waves are reflected and refracted (as pictured). Ultra-low velocity zones are so named because the seismic waves that pass through them slow by up to half, while the density of matter increases by up to a third


In their study, Professor Thorne and colleagues have concluded that some ultra-low velocity zones have their origins in the processes that influenced the formation of the Earth and the moon.

However, there are alternatives theories that have been proposed to explain the origins of some of the other ultra-low velocity zones.

Some experts believe, for example, that some of the zones are derived from the melting of ocean crust that has sunk back into the mantle.  

The investigation was undertaken by geologist Michael Thorne of the University of Utah and his colleagues.

‘Of all of the features we know about in the deep mantle, ultra-low velocity zones represent what are probably the most extreme,’ explained Professor Thorne.

‘Indeed, these are some of the most extreme features found anywhere in the planet,’ he added.

Geologists had originally speculated that these ultra-low velocity zones might represent areas where the base of the mantle had partially melted, perhaps providing the source of magma for volcanic ‘hot spots’ like that seen in Iceland.

‘But most of the things we call ultra-low velocity zones don’t appear to be located beneath hot spot volcanoes, so that can’t be the whole story,’ said Professor Thorne.

In their study, the researchers set out to put an alternate theory to the test — that of whether ultra-low velocity zones may be comprised of rock with a different and more archaic composition to that of the rest of the mantle.

According to Thorne, it is possible that ultra-low velocity zones are accumulations of iron oxide. While this compound is most familiar to us as rust, it would behave like a metal at the conditions found in the deep metal.

And, he added, were pockets of such to be found just above the core, they could serve to influence the Earth’s magnetic field, which is generated in the outer core.

‘The physical properties of ultra-low velocity zones are linked to their origin,’ said paper author and seismologist Surya Pachhai of both the Australian National University, and the University of Utah.

Their origins,  he added, in turn provide ‘important information about the thermal and chemical status, evolution and dynamics of Earth’s lowermost mantle — an essential part of mantle convection that drives plate tectonics.’

Researchers led from the University of Utah studied ‘ultra-low velocity zones’ on the core–mantle boundary. Pictured: a model of one hemisphere, showing the location of two ultra-low velocity zones (red) and the pacific superplume (transparent red)

The researchers focussed their study on those ultra-low velocity zones which are located beneath the Coral Sea, which lies between Australia and New Zealand. 

This area is ideal for study because it experiences a high level of seismic activity — allowing the team to build up a high-resolution map of the core–mantle boundary that might shine more light on the mysterious ultra-low velocity zones.

Creating a seismic image through nearly 1,800 miles of crust and mantle, however, is no mean feat, especially given how a thick layer of low-velocity material might produce the same reflection pattern as a thinner layer of even lower-velocity rock.

To overcome this challenge, the team adopted a reverse-engineering approach known to scientists as ‘Bayesian inversion’.

As Dr Pachhai explained: ‘We can create a model of the Earth that includes ultra-low wave speed reductions and then run a computer simulation that tells us what the seismic waveforms would look like if that is what the Earth actually looked like.’

‘Our next step is to compare those predicted recordings with the recordings that we actually have.’

Over the course of hundreds of thousands of iterations of this process, the method is able to produce a mathematically robust model of the Earth’s interior — alongside an understanding of any uncertainties and assumptions involved in such.

‘We can create a model of the Earth that includes ultra-low wave speed reductions and then run a computer simulation that tells us what the seismic waveforms would look like if that is what the Earth actually looked like,’ said seismologist Surya Pachhai. Pictured: snapshots of the final model’s temperature field (left) and residual buoyancy field (right)

Furthermore, the researchers’ models were able to reveal that the ultra-low velocity zones studied most likely have internal structures — specifically, layers — which helps to constrain how these zones most likely formed.

‘To our knowledge. this is the first study using such a Bayesian approach at this level of detail to investigate ultra-low velocity zones,” said Dr Pachhai.

‘It is also the first to demonstrate strong layering within an ultra-low velocity zone.’

The team believe that the origin of the ultra-low velocity zones stems from a time more than four billion years ago, when Earth was slowly undergoing fractionation as dense iron sank to the planetary core as lighter minerals floating upwards. 

It is believed that a planetary object around the size of Mars — one which scientists have dubbed Theia — slammed into the young Earth, both throwing up debris into Earth’s orbit to form the moon but also significantly raising the planet’s temperature.

The team believe that the origin of the ultra-low velocity zones stems from a time more than four billion years ago, when a planetary object around the size of Mars — one which scientists have dubbed Theia — slammed into the young Earth (as depicted), both throwing up debris into Earth’s orbit to form the moon but also significantly raising the planet’s temperature

‘As a result, a large body of molten material, known as a magma ocean, formed,’ explained Dr Pachhai.

As it cooled, this ‘ocean’ would have settled out — with the densest materials sinking down to the bottom of the mantle and forming layers.

And over the course of billions of years, the churning of the material within the mantle would have served to push these dense layers into small patches, forming the ultra-low velocity zones detectable via seismic imaging today.

‘As a result [of the moon-forming impact], a large body of molten material, known as a magma ocean, formed,’ explained Dr Pachhai. Depicted: the magma ocean in the early Earth

As it cooled, this ‘ocean’ would have settled out — with the densest materials sinking down to the bottom of the mantle and forming layers (as pictured)

And over the course of billions of years, the churning of the material within the mantle would have served to push these dense layers into small patches, forming the ultra-low velocity zones detectable via seismic imaging today (as depicted)

‘The primary and most surprising finding is that the ultra-low velocity zones are not homogenous but contain strong heterogeneities (structural and compositional variations) within them,’ noted Dr Pachhai.

‘This finding changes our view on the origin and dynamics of ultra-low velocity zones. We found that this type of ultra-low velocity zone can be explained by chemical heterogeneities created at the very beginning of the Earth’s history.

‘They are still not well mixed after 4.5 billion years of mantle convection.’

Because of this, he continued, some ultra-low velocity zones may preserve evidence of some of the history of our planet that was thought lost.

‘Our discovery provides a tool to understand the initial thermal and chemical statuses of Earth’s mantle and their long-term evolution,’ Dr Pachhai concluded.

The full findings of the study were published in the journal Nature Geoscience.


Our planet’s magnetic field is believed to be generated deep down in the Earth’s core.

Nobody has ever journeyed to the centre of the Earth, but by studying shockwaves from earthquakes, physicists have been able to work out its likely structure.

At the heart of the Earth is a solid inner core, two thirds of the size of the moon, made mainly of iron. 

At 5,700°C, this iron is as hot as the Sun’s surface, but the crushing pressure caused by gravity prevents it from becoming liquid.

Surrounding this is the outer core there is a 1,242 mile (2,000 km) thick layer of iron, nickel, and small quantities of other metals. 

The metal here is fluid, because of the lower pressure than the inner core.

Differences in temperature, pressure and composition in the outer core cause convection currents in the molten metal as cool, dense matter sinks and warm matter rises.

The ‘Coriolis’ force, caused by the Earth’s spin, also causes swirling whirlpools.

This flow of liquid iron generates electric currents, which in turn create magnetic fields.

Charged metals passing through these fields go on to create electric currents of their own, and so the cycle continues.

This self-sustaining loop is known as the geodynamo.

The spiralling caused by the Coriolis force means the separate magnetic fields are roughly aligned in the same direction, their combined effect adding up to produce one vast magnetic field engulfing the planet.

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