China ‘modified’ the weather by lacing skies with chemicals ahead of Communist anniversary

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Researchers at Tsinghua University in Beijing have claimed the Chinese government laced the skies with chemicals to ensure a smooth and balmy centenary earlier this summer. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets and Beijing’s Tiananmen Square on July 1 to join the celebration of China’s founding and sole ruling Communist party. According to a new paper in the journal Environmental Science, this was made possible by a major cloud-seeding operation just hours earlier.

Cloud seeding is a popular weather modification technique that can help clouds form, leading to rain or snow over a specific area.

This is typically achieved by aircraft releasing a compound called silver iodide (AgI), which helps ice crystals form in the air.

According to the Desert Research Institute (DRI) in Nevada, US, this is “not known to be harmful to humans or wildlife”.

Silver iodide exists naturally in the environment although in low concentrations.

The Tsinghua researchers claimed the technique was used in Beijing to clear the skies and improve air quality ahead of the centenary.

The resulting “artificial rain” was estimated to have reduced the levels of air pollutant PM2.5 by more than two-thirds.

A report in the South China Morning Post claimed this changed the quality of the air from “moderate” to “good”, according to official World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.

The report went on to cite unnamed sources that claimed to have seen rockets being fired over Beijing on the eve of the centenary.

One quoted person said: “It was very loud, like thunder – and it went on for a very, very long time … it was like a war zone.

“Then the rain came down, it was quite heavy.”

The Tsinghua study was led by environmental science professor Wang Can who said the drop in pollution levels is unlikely to be explained through natural means as the “artificial rain was the only disruptive event in this period”.

And this is not the first time Chinese officials have attempted to control the weather ahead of major events.

In 2008, China was said to have spent up to £23million ($30billion) to clear the skies by inducing artificial rain ahead of the Beijing Summer Olympics.

The Olympic organisers fired more than 1,000 rockets into the sky to disperse silver iodide over the city.

The operation was carried out by the Beijing Weather Modification Office, part of the Beijing Meteorological Bureau, and is said to employ some 37,000 people nationwide.

The office is part of China’s efforts to control the weather and is

On top of clearing the skies ahead of important events, cloud seeding can help water crops, end droughts or even prevent devastating hail storms.

And China is far from being the only country to do it.

Earlier this year, a number of US states launched cloud seeding operations to save the agricultural sector suffering from drought.

Julie Gondzar, the project manager of Wyoming’s water development office said in March: “With drought still a major concern, cloud seeding is an encouraging technology for Wyoming to use based on our drought contingency plan.

“It is an inexpensive way to help add water to our basins, in small, incremental amounts over long periods of time.”

Cloud seeding experiments were also carried out in the UK in the Fourties and Fifties, including the so-called Project Cumulus.

The project was carried out between 1949 and 1952. has asked the Chinese embassy to comment.

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